Chapter 4

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(2nd pov)

You pushed a few strands of hair from your face as a knock shook your door. You grinned softly opening the door. Your friend was there she pointed at you and you made finger guns back laughing.

"I brought drinks and..." she paused thinking, "Cheese I think."

You laughed softly, "Come in here, Triss, you riot!"

Triss laughed, "c'mon guys!" She said waving behind her

Five other people jumped out of a mini-van. Causing you to laugh, they ran to your door. They all hard large happy smiles on there faces.

"We haven't seen you in so long!" They laughed wrapping their arms around you

You laughed loudly, "Didn't I see you like a week ago, when you guys helped me pick a house?"

"Still that's too long!" Triss said backing away from the hug and gripping your shoulders, "You have the asset?"

You pursed your lips slightly and nodded, "y-yeah, I-its in the garage."

She smiled softly, "good."

"Let's get sciencie nerds!" She laughed walking in your house the others following 

Laughing you stepped in your mud room and paused closing the door. You stared at the Smith's home. You felt like you were being watched. Shaking it off you closed the door and followed after the whooping pack of scientist. 

~brief timeskip~ 

You laughed a little taking a sig from your drink. You pushed a few papers from the box they sat on to the floor and gazed at the design for the project you and your group of friends have been working on for somewhere around 5 or 6 years. You smiled down at it resting your fingers-tips on the design, this project was like a child to you. You were proud of it, each little thing you perfected, tested, and made yourself. 

"-And if we can some how gain enough speed and air, the T.I.M should kick in and we should have a faster cleaner lift off." Triss said as you toned into the conversation exaggerated her hands 

The T.I.M, was something you also took great pride in, it was something you hand crafted just for Project A-780 Model-65. It repsened Termial Intersytem Motor, so T.I.M. It sped up both wheels and the main motor through the whole thing, it made it was lighter then other motors and other things you have tried. It helped moved the whole invention harder to steer through, being that it's moving upwards speeds of 360 mph.

"You we have the duel-spention issue figured out?" Bradford asked from his spot on the floor next to you 

"Yes," you spoke up,"I added something better, much more shock absorbent than the ones before." You said sipping from your drink. 

Alexis nodded, "I helped her make them and place them in." 

You tipped your head back swallowing the rest of your drink. You set the can down and shivered, the feeling has returned. You felt as through eyes were taking up your spine like knifes. You looked over your shoulder at the darkest corner of your living room. Shaking your head you turned back to the group. 'Don't be ridiculous, no one else is here beside thoughs in front of me.' You thought to yourself shuffling the papers around to stare at the equations sprawled out in your messy hand-writing to focus on. 

"-Well guys!" Triss hummed slapping her hands together, "Lets get out there and test it!" 

You were still oblivious staring at each of the equations trying to rid yourself of the dreaded feeling on your back. You felt a hand on your shoulder and a light shake caused you to snap back into reality. You took a quivering breath as your eyes followed along the hand and arm to see the owner. You gave a small smile as you saw that it was only Triss. 

"Well c'mon then!" She laughed cheerily, "You more than any of us need to be there." She gave you a toothy grin, "So get your nose out of the notes and open your garage." 

You laughed and rose to your feet. You gazed at the dark corner again and sighed. Following Triss out the door you entered the code to your garage. The sliding door slowly shuttered up allowing you to see an object covered in a white sheet. You looked to each face of your team to see the each had a large small on each face. You walked in the garage beside your car. You ran your hand softly over sheet. Gripping the handles of the asset through the sheet you slowly started to roll it out,towards your pick up. 

You laughed slightly,"Theirs like six tool boxes in here," you shook your head, "We'll probably need all of them." You added laughing, "Triss come and help me get this in the truck." 

Triss helped you lift the light asset up and into the truck. You and Triss both laughed placing it gently in the truck.

"Ah, yes I remember G1." She snickered, "that shit must have weighed a little under a metric ton." 

"Yes," you slipped your hands in your pockets, "G7, that's when we really took off." You snickered as Triss punched your arm 

"Your terrible!" She laughed hopping out of the back. 

"Says who?" You laughed shimmying down to the ground, "You just can't handle the gravity of the situation." You laughed 

Triss made a noise that made it sound like she was in pain and fell to the cement floor of your garage. You laughed and trotted up to her gently kicking her. 

"Whelp," you snickered looking to Jeff "Looks like she won't get a Noble Prize for Science." You laughed grabbing the last tool box and placing it in back with  the asset. 

"I LIVE!" Triss cried dramatically sitting up, "I LIVE I SAY!!" 

"Well come on 'Alive Triss.' Your driving me with the asset, so I can change." You snickered holding a clothing bag. 

"OK!" She groaned standing up, "I guess I can." She said placing her hands on her hips and sauntering over, causing you to laugh, "All y'all gonna have to drve the cloud car." She said pointing to the mini van 

You snickered and sat down in the front passenger side pulling your hair back into a tight pony. You smiled into the rear view mirror. This was it, you could feel it. 

"You ready, (y/n)?" Triss asked starting the motor 

You grinned at her, "Born that way, darlin'." 

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