Chapter 20

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(2nd pov) 

You yawned slapping your blaring alarm clock in a sleepy palm. You rolled over with a loud grumble. You swung your legs over the edge of the bed. You rubbed your eyes and yawned. Stretching you walked to the bathroom. You giggled at yourself. Your hair messy and sticking in random directions, your eyes looked tired. 

You sighed softly and slipped the loose shirt off and plopped it on the floor. Something caught your eye in the mirror. You cocked your brow slightly examining It, it was a simple necklace. The one rick gave you, shrugging it off you in clipped it and set it down on the bathroom couter and walked towards the shower. You started it and stripped yourself of the rest of your clothing and stepped in. The warm water step goosebumps straight up your spine. You stepped under the head and let the water run down your head and spine. You began to wash, it felt like you were scrubbing away a whole layer of skin. You sighed turning off the shower. You grabbed a towl and walked back to your room, dirty clothes in hand. You tossed the towl and dirty clothes into the hamper and walk over to your dresser. 

You tossed a bra, a pair of panties, and some tights onto the bed and walked over to the closest you pulled out a red shirt and black pencil skirt. You pulled on your under garments and caught your gaze in the mirror. You smiled softly at yourself and pulled on the tights. You pulled the shirt over your head next and then the skirt. You adjusted the pieces of clothing and started to brush through your wet hair. You sat down in front of your dresser and placed on some light eyeshadow and liner. You colored your lips a deep shade of red and smiled at yourself. Your heart was doing giddy flips in you chest. You were going to be lecturing today!~ your face dropped, you were going to be lecturing today!! You sucked in a few breaths trying to calm yourself. 

You pulled out your phone and started to play some music. You sighed softly and danced slightly to the beat. Your hair was drying so you pulled it back into a tight professional looking bun. You walked towards your room like you were dancing. You searched through your few pairs of heels and contemplated just wearing your sneakers when triss' voice rang in your ears. 

"I swear to go if you wear those dumb as beat to hell sneakers to the lecture I will kick your ass from here to Beijing!" 

You rolled your eyes and pulled out a pair of black professional looking heels and danced your way over to the bed. Sitting down you pulled on the shoes and started to gather the papers you were using for the lecture in your arms. You hummed the tone of the song as you grabbed your phone. You started to walk down stairs as you passed the bathroom a soft amber glow caught your eye. You grabbed the necklace that rick gave you and stared at it for a few moments. Subconsciously you clipped it around your neck and placed the jewel out of view in your shirt. (Between your boobz) you looked at yourself in the mirror and nodded reassuringly to yourself. You hopped down the stairs, grabbing the keys before you left you opened the front door. Morty stood there fist up as though he was going to knock right before you opened the door.

"Hey ya, Morts!" You said happily 

"I-I umm..." he looked down, "R-Rick told m-me to give t-this." He held a white cloth in his hand out to you.

You grabbed it with your free hand and looked at it. A lab coat? Shrugging it off you manged to pull it on and place your things in the vast pockets. You looked back to Morty and smiled.

"Well, if you see him, tell him I said thank you." You hummed closing the door and skipping To your truck.

You waved at Morty as he stood in your yard watching you go before he crossed the street. You smiled and turned on the radio. You were going to lecture!

(Smol timeskip) 

"Where'd ya get the lab coat?" Triss asked with a cocked brow as she starred at you 

"A friend gave it to me." At least that was the truth, but how you were friends with rick, you really didn't want to explain how you stopped time for several months.

"Is that so?" She sounded close to unconvinced, but not in the pressing for information kind of way 

You rolled your eyes and looked at the equations through again. There was something more to this stack than you remember. You shuffled through the papers in your hand to discover an envelope stamped with a symbol you didn't recognize. You cocked a brow curiously and pulled it out from the pile. You shoved it in a separate inner pocket and noted to read that later. Soon you all were called to the stage. You followed last in line after Bradford with your hands folded neatly behind your back.  You didn't look at the crowd as you first entered nervousness consuming you. The whole group stopped in a line and turned to face the crowd you included. Your gazed swept through the crowd. It was to be expected that the demographic would be 30yr olds and up, you were also surprised by the turn out. You were still unsure about how many of these people were actual students and scientists, being there was who you could only assume was a homeless man sitting in the top corner desk. You bounced on your feet a little your gaze still sweeping the room. 

Your eyes met the dark blue collided with your own (e/c) gaze. His canine popped out from his half smile as he watched you. You weren't expecting this curve in the road. And unplanned part of the plan, Rick.

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