Chapter 25

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As soon as the brief dizziness from the portal faded your eyes widened as you gazed around. You could see a tall tower far off in the distance. You saw many ricks and mortys bustling around. You did a slow 360 gazing at everything.

"Wow..." you whispered as the rick beside you chuckled

"Well, looks like c-137 didn't explain that the ricks have many enemies so a many of us banded together to keep ourselves safe." This rick glared over your shoulder as the rick you knew was pushed through a portal, "He still refuses to join us." This rick placed his hand on your shoulder and started to lead you and the group of ricks struggling to keep your rick in line.

You gazed around at the many little shops and different ricks and their mortys. The Rick with his hand on his shoulder noticed your interest in this place and began to speak.

"Well, c-137 (y/n), welcome to the Citadel Of Ricks." He chuckled throwing his arm around, "This is the place where Ricks can conduct business and buy inventions from each other."

He went on to explain that each Rick had a Morty that blocks out the Ricks brain waves, he was explaining it in a since that he was speaking to a child. You listened politely each thing spiking a new interest inside you. You could hear your Rick behind you growling almost as though he was a wolf protecting a part of his territory.

"...Well, that should be the important thing you should know. How-" you cut him off

"What about the (y/n)s of the different dimensions?" You asked, this rick cast a glance behind him at your rick, as through he was confused

"You mean you don't know what a (y/n) is in the rick pecking order?" He asked raising his unibrow

"Y-yeah?" You said, "Why would I ask if I did know?" You asked cocking a brow

You heard your rick start to struggle again and cast a glance back at him. You looked back up that the rick with his arm wrapped around your shoulder. He laughed and grinned down at you.

"You'll find out soon enough, bunny." He laughed

He stopped the group near a small shop he told you to wait there as he left. you took the chance to gaze around freely. You watched as each of the ricks bustled by some talking to their mortys in a gruff tone you shrugged this off and look for yourself in the crowds. Your gaze stopped at a small figure walking behind a rick with their gaze turned down. They must have felt your gaze on them when they stopped lifted their head toward you.

Your gazes met and all seemed quiet between both of you. You took a moment to fully look at them the held a fairly large machine their hands. Part of their right side (in relation to you)  of their neck and cheek was covered with a bandage. There right eye seemed to have a dark grey sheen over the pupil and iris it seemed almost painful. It was you, just they have an almost an electrocuted look to them. They furrowed their brows and gave you a sympathy filled look.

You opened your mouth to say something to them when the rick they were following returned and grabbed their arm and tugged them forward with a very sour look on his face. You knitted your brows in concern for the (y/n) then were brought back to reality when the rick returned and pressed a hand on your back pushing you forward.

You began to examine this ricks facial structure and features. You gazed along his face at first glance it's just like any other ricks face you've seen. Though there was small hidden feature you could see. There was a faint scar about this ricks brow and his hair line was more full than your ricks. There was a small more noticeable scar under his eye. You could see the tip of a tattoo poking out from under his shirt collar. You could tell his eyes were a lighter shade then your ricks. He chuckled as he cast his eyes down at you. He smiled his canine popping out form his lips.

The group continued to walk through the maze of streets towards the large tower to what you assumed was the center of this massive city. You heard your rick growl every so often, but other than that and the sounds of the ricks moving from place to place the journey was silent. You kept a brisk pace the tower growing nearer and nearer. You marveled at the amazing structure before you. You were quickly pushed down a different hall branching off the main lobby. You heard rick start fighting against his restraints as he was pulled down a different hall.

You were led down a long hall, you busied yourself counting the doors that you passed. You got to 1,892 when you finally stopped. The rick pulled his arm from your shoulder and unlocked your door he pushed you in with a large grin.

"See you later, bunny.~" he purred closing the door.

You gazed around the room. Solid  Metallicy grey walls and ceiling bordered the room. A metal chair was placed in the center of the small room. You got the creeping feeling that you were being recorded. You lowered your arms on your back and slowly, one foot at a time you pulled your arms to your front. They were still cuffed just to your front now. You saw a small light was slanted from a small bared window nearly two feet above your head.

You turned when the door opened back up again. It was the rick from before had returned only he had a lustful look in his eye. He slowly approached you as you backed yourself up against the wall.

He pulled himself close to your face, "Well, looks like the wolf has cornered the little bunny.~"

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