Chapter 14

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You zipped up your leather jacket up. You pulled on your heeled black boots reaching your knees and let your jeans fall over them. You left your hair more bedraggled and looked into your eyes. You weren't sure want to expect from this party. A part of you said it was going to be a bunch of teenagers and old guys, yet the other half begged to differ. You put on some red lipstick and grey eye shadow. You gazed at the earring you had left out. The dragon. You sighed and clipped it on. You gazed at yourself, unsure. You didn't know about what just unsure. You huffed a sigh and slipped your hands into the pockets of your jacket and started to walk downstairs. 

When you go to your kitchen you checked the clock. 7:35 it read. You should get going. Something just kept nagging you not to go, to bail and spend your Saturday night like you usually do, in a pair of sweatpants bindge watching a new season of... well anything. 7:40. You sighed softly gripping your phone in your hand. You slipped it into your pocket and grabbed your keys. You walked towards the mud room. You opened the front door locking it before you shut it behind you. 

You gazed at the house in front of you all of the lights were on. You hummed quietly crossing the road. Last chance to turn back. Your mind was telling you to turn back as you walked down the sidewalk towards the front door. You rasped your knuckles on it a few times. It didn't take long for someone to answer the door. Morty, a very nervous looking Morty at that. 

"O-o-oh h-h-hi (y/n).." he mumbled distracted 

"Hey Morty." You hummed calmly Despite the turmoil you were feeling, "So you really don't want a party?" 

"N-n-n-no." He stammered then his eyes widened, "H-h-how did you k-k-know there was a p-p-party?" 

"Easy, she was inVIted to it." Rick burped arriving beside Morty

His blue eyes looked you up and down and he smiled softly.

"So..." you said, "Can I come in?" 

"O-o-o-of course!" Morty stammered stepping aside to let you through, "T-the snacks are in the k-kitchen as so are the drinks, g-g-get them before t-t-their destroyed o-o-or gone." 

You nodded and walked towards the kitchen. You were gazing at the variety of snack foods before you. You grabbed a plate and placed as many that looked good on there. Summer walked in the kitchen on her phone. She looked up and smiled at you. 

"(Y/n)! You came!" She said cheerily wrapping an arm around your shoulders, "selfie!" She held her phone up and you gave a weak smile and a wave, she snapped a few then looked at them, "Great! This is gonna be AMAZING. Just wait." She laughed and disappeared out of the kitchen.

(Small timeskip) 

You groaned slightly as you were elbowed by a dancing pair. Some alien and some human. You sighed and retracted to the back of the crowd leaning on the wall. You saw a very cocky looked teenage guy saunter up to you. 

"Hey fine lookin' lady!" He slurred, "What'cha doing over here all alone?" 

"Not getting drunk off my ass that for sure." You rolled your eyes 

"All well, but what time those legs open up?" He grinned drunkly 

You cocked a brow, "Passed your bed time." 

"Hmm?" He seemed confused 

"I've graduated high school and college, little boy, now go play." You retorted taking a swing from your drink 

"No way." He leaned over you, "You don't look a day over 18." 

"And you look like you'll hit your peak at 16 or 17 and then for the rest of your life spend it working in a carpet shop." You huffed turning your head away from him 

"What was that?" He growled lowly at you, "Look, I'm just trying to give you the greatest fucking you'll ever get, so just let me!" He came closer.

"Hmm. No." You said staring him dead in the eyes, "I prefer not to get sued for fucking a minor." 

He growled and looked like he was about to grab you when a hand firmly placed itself to the wall by your head. You rolled your eyes and took your chance to walk away. You did not want to be in the middle of a fight. You managed to get to the kitchen and leaned on the counter. You emptied your plastic red solo cup. You sighed and tossed it in the general direction of the garbage. It was chaos and you didn't like it. You gazed around the kitchen there was a passed out lizard alien thing with his head on the counter. You heard someone enter the garage but didn't catch them, so you shook it off. You looked around at what was left for the snacks. 

You eyes grazing over the crushed small snacks and treats, you found a few that were in ok condition. You munched on them leaning on the counter again. The door to the garage shook a little as it was opened. You rolled your eyes and went back out into where everyone was. As you watched the crowd you saw the guy whom had tried to flirt with you with a small crowd of his goons around him. He was crying his face bashed up. Fucker deserved it. You felt a presence move in beside you. 

You rolled your eyes in annoyance, "Look, I don't need to be fucked so please leave." 

"Are you sure.~" an eerily familiar voice cooed.

You turned to see a large grin that belonged to Rick. This man looked like Rick, but he was younger, more filled out. His hair looked thicker and it had a blonde tint to it. There was no way this was Rick, but everything about his demeanor told you otherwise. His hand painted on the wall, him leaning into it and a wrist placed on his hip. You cocked a brow slightly.

"Who are you, Rick's son?" You laughed cockily 

He seemed almost insulted by this, "O-oh!" 

You snickered which caused him to scowl, "Now if you please excuse me I have to get back to hating everyone." 

"Psh. Oh, bunny, i am the rickiest Rick." He hummed 

You cocked a brow, "Ok so, you really are Rick, but what the hell happened?" You questioned looking him up and down again, he was shorter than he was before. 

He chuckled slightly, "What? Do you not like it?" 

You rolled your eyes, "Its just unnatural to me."

He wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his chin on your head, "Everything I do is pretty unnatural." 

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