Chapter 24

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(Ok guys theirs some small smutish thing in this chapter, so kinda mature.
Meh I'll mark it before.)
You released a shaking breath unsure of what to do. You gazed out the windshield and suddenly knew what to do. You blushed slightly then shook it off this was not the time to be shy. You pushed Rick so he was back in the seat more and clambered on to his lap.

"Please be like my truck.... pleeease be like my truck!.." you pleaded to no one adjusting yourself slightly and gazed at the controls, "S-simple enough." You swallowed hard pressing your foot to what you hoped was the gas luckily it was.

You were learning on the fly here thing of the time rick had described how his ship worked. Doing the best you could you managed to narrowly avoid some blasts from the other ship. Suddenly something clicked. You grabbed the gear shifter and cranked it around jamming your foot into the gas petal. Suddenly ever movement made seemed natural to you. Each turn of the wheel to avoid a blast. Your own return of fire. All seemed almost programmed in your body, just like riding a bike.

They released a sudden burst of controlled energy. Your eyes widened at this and you jerked the stirring wheel causing the ship to do  a flip over the blast. You glared at the ship ignoring the Falling of Miscellaneous items in around you. Now the windshield! You jammed your fingers in some random seemingly known buttons sending many projectiles flying at the black tinted windshield. A large spider web of cracks ran through it before it completely shattered sending the glittering fractals everywhere. You sent one final missile at them causing the whole cock pit to rupture.

You let out a quivering breath of relief and slumped your head onto the stirring wheel. Adrenaline slowly drain from your body leaving your limbs heavy. You released an exasperated breath and gripped the stirring wheel Turing your knuckles white. You felt arms gently  wrapped around your waist.

"How nice of you to wake up." You grumbled towards rick

"Mm." He hummed, "You seemed to have handled it."

"I could have died, you could have died, but who gives a fuck." You growled trying to move of his lap you were held there by rick causing you to blush harshly

"Mortys not waking up anytime soon, bunny.~" rick purred gently against your neck

~~Smuttish thing I warned, skipable~~

You straightened up your face flushing a dark crimson. Ricks lips pressed gently against your neck, trailing his lips down he stopped at your collar bone. He slipped his fingers under the hem of your shirt and started to gently traced small hearts on your stomach. Sucked in a breath as rick gently dug his teeth into your collar bone.

You pinned your lip tightly between your teeth. Rick dipped his fingers under the waist band of your pants tickling the soft skin there. You leg spammed slightly and causing you to slightly press the gas causing the ship to slowly drift forward. It stopped soon through. Rick pulled his hand out of your skirt and gripped the shifter and place the space car into park.

"Wouldn't want to be drifting off now would we, bunny.~" rick purred raising his head to whisper in your ear

Rick gently gripped your earlobe in his teeth and took a shaking breath. He chuckled darkly slipping his hand back into your pants. He gently rubbed your clothed mound teasing it through the thin layer of clothing causing you to shiver. You pulled your hands from stirring wheel and arched your back and ran your fingers into his hair with your lip pinned tightly between your teeth.

"Wet for me hmm?~" rick purred close to your ear, "That's good, this reaction is good.~" he whispered pressing his lips to your cheek

His fingers worked faster against your clothed woman hood. Teasing you harder making you want it more. Your fingers knotted tighter in his hair as his left hand slithered up your shirt and firmly gripped your left breast causing you to released soft gasp your head hitting the seat. Rick chuckled and ran his tongue along the base of your neck.

~~you can read now if you had skipped~~

Suddenly an alarm began to blare causing both of you to jump. Rick pulled his hands away making you miss the feeling. You unraveled your fingers from his hair. Rick left a hand on your thigh and checked his blaring watch. He hummed almost sadly and shifted the car into drive and rested his head on your shoulder and began to drive off.

You sighed softly almost missing what just happened wishing it could have continued. You stared out the window.

"So what was that?" You asked softly

Rick grumbled something along the lines of 'a brewing potion'. The rest of
The ride home was silent. When you landed you hopped out and grabbed morty and drag him to the couch. You walked back to the garage to see rick hunched over something and hummed a small tone.

Suddenly three green portals rippled in the empty spaces and your eyes widened. A few ricks stepped out gun pointed toward you and rick.

"Get C-137!" Snapped one of the ricks he turned his gaze to you, "Grab his (y/n) too!"

You were quickly swamped. You screamed as they grabbed your arms and slammed you down to the floor. A rick yanked your arms back. You think your rick yelled something, but you couldn't tell. You were yanked back to your feet and forced through one of the green portals.

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