Chapter 36

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You were completely wired on Dr. Pepper as you scrambled around gathering things you need for escape. You had pulled a forearm length iron-laced sleeve over your right wrist to stop the tracking and hide the tag. You were walking by the back door carring a stack of papers. Suddenly a knock rocked the door and being in your overly panicky state you jumped away in surprise and sent the papers flying all over the floor. You still shaking badly to creaked the door open a little and peeked out. You felt a pang if relief when you recognized Triss. You opened the door the rest of the way and drug her into the house. You closed the door behind you and locked it and Triss looked incredibly confused at the disheveled house you just organized.

"Ah Geez, (y/n)... I've never seen anything you lived in look this bad since that astrodynamics project that counted more than half the grade...." Triss spoke in a quiet worried tone as you dropped down and frantically gathered the papers you threw, "Is everything alright?" 

You snatched a random Dr. Pepper bottle off the floor and emptied its contents and whirled around to look at Triss, "No! E-e-everything is not fine!" You gripped your hair, "Everything isn't fine!" The words laid heavy on your chest 

"Ah geez, (y/n), what's going on!? You don't talk to me for like four days then suddenly you send me this vague message to come to your house with absolutely no explanation and your more panicked than a cat in the bath tub! What the fuck is going on!?" Triss said gripping your shoulders tightly 

You stared into her eyes, "T-Triss..... I-I..." You struggled to put words to all you had learned, "Infinte dimensions exist." You crackled out not loosing her gaze, "Their real and I got badly entangled in one and I need to leave!" 

"W-what (y/n)!?" You broke out of her grasp and placed the keys in her hands 

"You said you always wanted a new house." You said walking over to the closet 

You swung it open revealing a space suit you made with the group a while back. You kicked off your pants and pulled on some close to the skin biking shorts and then the space suits pants. Still fit like a charm. You were wearing a white tank top to you just pulled on the suit top. It clicked into place,  o that you think of it, its kinda like a spandex suit with the way it's designed. You slipped on the boots which clicked into place in turn. You turned towards Triss who stood there still very confused and worried. 

"I have fuel for the asset packed with it and I am ready to leave pretty much. I just wanted to say my goodbyes." You said, "I'm not sure when, or if ever, I'll be back, but just know that you were the best friend a little girl could have." You smiled sadly

"I'll help you adjust the oxygen rates in the suit, you are still my friend." Triss said shoving the keys in her back pocket, "I may not understand what's going on, but your my friend and I'll trust you to make the right decision." 

If you had made the right decision you wouldn't be in the mess. You allowed her to help you and slipped on the black helmet. You sat on the asset in the darkness of the side of your house. Or Triss' house now. She ran her fingers over the sleek body of the Asset, aslmost longingly.

"Auntie's gonna miss you." She whispered 

Suddenly there was a knock on your door. The front door, you didn't even need to look to know it was Rick. Triss looked at you then walked in the side door and answered the front door.

"Hello?" You heard her voice 

"Huh?" It was Rick all right, "I-I need (y/n)." 


"I-I need to clear somethINgs up." He said growing angered 

"She doesn't want to talk to anyone." 

"She'll talk to me." Rick growled there was a loud thud 

"(Y/N)!" Triss yelled, "DRIVE!" 

On cue the motor roared to life and surged forward you whipped to the right away from your house not daring look back. You knew too well about the alluring powers of Rick. You pressed hard on the gas and swore you heard Rick running back to his home to try and get something to chase you. The coordinates the future, or other dimensional, you had given you. You had left anything that held sentiment to Rick behind, except for one thing you never released you packed at the very bottom of your case. Crumpled up and wrinkling. A long white slightly stained lab coat. 

You quickly took to the air the safety belts latched themselves around you drawing you backwards in the seat. You quickly broke through the atmosphere, but you finally dared to look back. The view was beautiful, but shrinking as you moved farther and farther away form your old home. You furrowed your brow and turned your gaze back around. You continued to speed through the cosmos. You mind taking you back to when you first went to space with Rick. 

You shook your head clearing the memory. Rick left a bittersweet taste in your mouth, you couldn't begin to become sorrowful about leaving. You were doing this for you, to keep yourself safe and away from a monster. 

Just like in the wild before the wolf can make its kill the rabbit will flee for its life and the chase begins. The rabbit will find its safe place, but it will soon be dug up by the wolf, but again the rabbit flees before the wolf can make his kill. And the cycle goes on and on and on. 


Lol hey guys. I'm really glad you guys like my trash writing so much, but as you can tell the book will being ending in the next few chapters. So I just wanted to thank you all for the support and that I'm glad you found enjoyment in my trashy fan fiction.

Hope ya get noticed, 


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