Chapter 34

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Arms wrapped around you as the world was still in a blinding green. Still high on adrenaline you started throwing punches and kicks in random directions making contact with a few pieces of furniture.

"Jesus calm the fuck down!" A voice yelled as your vision started to clear

Taking some deep exasperated and panicked breaths you gazed around. Ricks lab, back home. You leaned back slightly your head hitting someone's shoulder. Your eyes trailed at the arm around your waist. You gently ran your fingers over the arms the blue fabric soft on your fingers. Your eyes finally got to the persons face which was familiar, but sent a tremble down your spine.

It was Rick, your Rick, but all you have heard about how the society works. You still won't really comfortable with the thought that your Rick could tag you and keep you as a pet. You sighed softly though it was nice to be in his arms. You gazed around and saw Morty in the corner who looked confused as he held a few tools on his hands.

"Doing experiments without me?" You chuckled breathily

"Just working on stuff to try and find you." Rick muttered, "Did you have to steal the necklace back or what?"

You stopped yourself from saying research and instead whispered, "Kinda forgot I had it." You chuckled softly, "Still can't believe I out ran the Rick Guard Twice now!"

Rick looked down on you his dark eyes almost worried he was about to speak when morty cut him off.

"YOU WERE AT RHE CITADEL!?" He yelled as he sent the tools clattering to the floor, "IS THAT WHY RICK CAME HOME FOUR DAYS AGO ALL FRANTIC!?"

"S'suppose." You said shrugging slightly, "Don't know why a Rick would care though." You added cheekily

Rick seemed to stiffen behind you. You looked back at him with a slight smirk. You shifted trying to get ready to stand up. Then something snapped in your mind and you stayed and spoke.

"So Ricky," you stoked your finger tips over your right wrist, "When were you planning on tagging me?"

His eyes widened and he dropped you into the floor and stood up. He cast his glance at morty and it seemed that he understood that he was to leave and Morty walked straight out of the door towards the living room. You stood up and dusted your sweater slightly. He ran his hand through his wild tangle of hair staring at the door morty disappeared through.

You saw his lab coat over the chair and many different tinkerings on the tables. These weren't his normal inventions, almost like he was trying to search for you or something. When you draw your eyes back to Rick he stood before you his dark eyes clouded.

"Who told you about the tags?" He whispered darkly

"One of the (y/n)'s at the daycare." You said you weren't gonna rat out your new friend.

Rick sighed heavily, "What do you know?"

You narrowed your eyes, "Everything except how they work."

Rick puffed a heavy breath looking at your face examining it. You took your own chance to examine his. The tiredness in his eyes the slight crease in his forehead his furrowed unibrow made. Your eyes traced down his jaw, his lips, up the bridge of his nose and stared into his eyes. Your heart skipped a beat, you couldn't understand. All of the warnings you received about Ricks echoed in your mind.

"They trapped me..."
"You can't trust a Rick..."
"They just want to hurt you..."

Your breath lowered and slowly laced your fingers with Ricks. You ran your thumbs over his and kept your eyes on his. Despite your better judgment you had fallen for the man before you. He rested his forehead on yours. Your back was slightly pressed on the wall the sweater bunched up slightly around your neck a slight blush creeping to your cheeks.

"I-i want you to trust me." He whispered

"How can I trust you though? Being your a wanted criminal." You stated you had learned more about Rick from other people than from Rick himself

"I need you to trust me." He whispered furrowing his brow

You bit your lip softly furrowing your brow. You couldn't, your mind was advising against it with all its might, but some part of you deep down inside was telling you to go for it, stay with him. You felt the feel of his skin against your hand as you continued to worry your lip. It felt nice being near him, you couldn't understand it. Maybe it was the fact that (y/n)s and Ricks were meant to be together or something stupid. You closed your eyes for a brief moment. When you opened your eyes again you were drawn back into the alluring dark blue eyes. You sighed softly.

"I trust you." You whispered

"Good." Rick whispered holding your right wrist, "Do you trust me enough to let me tag you, for your own safety."

You were getting lost in his words, your heart fluttering away at the fact of being romanced.

"Rick. I trust you." That was the worst mistake you ever made.

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