Chapter 6

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(2nd pov) 

The vile contents of your stomach burned your throat and mouth as it spattered into the gravel along the side of the road. You retched again the contents of your stomach churning up and forward. You gripped tightly to triss' arm as she helped you rise. You were wobbling as your began to walk back to the road, gripping onto Triss for dear life. Jeff offed you a water which you gladly took. Rising your mouth you spat on the ground. Chrugging the rest of the water down you began to regain stability. Bradford and Alexis had returned with the asset slowly rolling the beauty back down toward where you stood. 

"It's surprisingly undamaged." Bradford reported stopping in front of you 

You wiped your brow with the back of your gloved hand, "Phew. That's good." You laughed slightly, "That would have been about 2,000 dollars down the drain." 

Triss nodded humming slightly, "(y/n), if you still feel up to it, we need to run that last test again, you were so close!" 

You cocked a brow slightly, "Y-yeah," you paused rubbing your stomach, "I just need to rest a couple minutes is that ok?" You asked all of them quickly nodding 

"Anything feel broken?" Bradford asked moving forward 

"Umm... yeah actually, my ankle hurts." You hummed, "the rest of my body doesn't really hurt." You looked at Alexis, "Good job designing this suit, I'm mainly unscathed!" 

The brunette blushed slightly as you all began to flock to were Triss and Alexis were. Bradford was quick to sit you down and get your boot off. His large fingers worked around the joint feeling for a break. His fingers pressed into your skin, you groaned in pain slightly. 

"I-its right there..." you groaned 

You heard what you could only assume was a growl behind you as you felt the feeling of eyes on you, other then the other people in the group's. 

"Yeah," Bradford mumbled "Your tense and swollen right there." He ran his fingers over the painful area, you clenched your teeth in pain "I know it probably hurts, just trying to help." 

You released a loud quivering groan in pain. You tiled your head back and strewed your eyes shut. The rest of the group remained silent and Bradford worked on your ankle. You gripped tightly to the grass above your head. You heard a soft rustling moving towards you. 

"What the hell is going on here!?" A fairly familiar voice yelled 

You opened your eyes you be met with black shoes. Bradford dropped your leg and you cried out in pain as your ankle hit the ground. You curled yourself into a small ball as some tears stung in your eyes. 

"Excuse me!" Triss yelled, "Who the hell are you!? And what the hell are you doing all the way out here!?" 

"I could ask you the same thing." The familiar voice asked, "Heard a lot of groANing over here and came to investigATe." 

"Well, our friend hurt her ankle," Triss growled, "And one of our friends were working on it." 

"C'mon, (y/n)." Alexis said gingerly shaking you, "Come out of armadillo mode and let us continue to work on your ankle." 

You sniffled slightly and began to slowly uncurl yourself and they gently grabbed your ankle again. You opened your eyes, tears still stinging them and looked up. You cocked a brow slightly stroking your hair slightly. 

"R-rick?" You said slightly dazed, "W-what the hell are you doing here?" 

"Wait!" Triss yelled, "(y/n)!? You know this wrinkly asshole?" She said 

You slowly nodded biting your lip harshly in pain, "Y-yeah," you paused the leg Bradford held quivering, "H-he lives across the street from my new house. W-with his daughter." You finished wincing slightly, "H-he's an astrobiologist." You rambled in trying to distract yourself from the pain. 

"Sorry," Rick said sarcastically, "Thought someone was being fUCked over here." 

Triss laughed tartly, "The only people to be fucking, if any of us, would be Bradford and Jeff," she paused tilting her hand from side to side, "But even then, the chances of them doing it when we're testing things are pretty low." 

Bradford flushed a dark red, you couldn't see Jeff, but he was probably the same. When they came out, none of you were really all that super surprised. You could careless weather someone wanted to fuck a man or a women, life goes on. You released a quivering groan as Alexis dug her fingers into your ankle. 

"That should be fine." She said setting your foot down,"Hey hand me two waters." She called to Jeff she turned to rick, "So you said you were an astrobiologist?" She hummed placing the cold water bottles on either side of your ankle.

Rick nodded, "Yup." He grinned widely, "I do a little mORe than astrobiology." He hummed, "That's an impressive mAChine you got there." He said pointing to the asset, "Its a shame it didn't get off the grOUnd through." 

Triss snapped her fingers, "This beaut is more than capable taking to the air." She growled, "We've been working on making this baby lighter, faster, and sleeker." 

Rick held his arms up a little, "ok. Ok. Geez. Guess, your a new to dRIving things like this?" He looked down at you.

"Actually she is more quantified to test drive it than any of us." Jeff said, "She's been riding motorcycles, four-wheelers, and all that shiz since she was what? 8?" 

You nodded painfully, "j-just a little unadjusted to the new suspension." 

"So in stead of being an ass and trying to down our, machine you help us." Triss growled, "Otherwise, leave!" 

"Feisty ain't cha?~" Rick teased slipping his hands in his pockets 

"No," you growled, "She just defending my, metaphorically speaking, child. Because I'm in too much pain to give a damn."   

Rick made a sound that sounded similar to a grunt and sauntered over to your creation, "What'cha call 'er?" He hummed 

"It's project: A-780 Model-67." Alexis said 

"I'm thinking Nightlight." You hummed in pain 

Rick grunted 'nightlight.' He crouched down beside the body and ran his hands over the smooth metal, light shallow new scars laced along the beautifully made body. 

"Whose idEA was it to mAKe this?" Rick gunted 

"(Y/n)'s actually." Bradford smiled at you, "She had G1 already planned out and ready, she just needed the help to make it." 

You laughed your heat rising in your cheeks, "Stop!" You giggled, "I didn't have like any of the physics down and-" you were cut off by Triss 

"It was to be expected," she laughed, "you couldn't possibly do all that by yourself, you were like  14." 

You heard Rick growl something under his breath and continue to run his hands over the body of the asset. 

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