Chapter 26

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(Rick pov)

As soon as that rick took (y/n) down a different hall I started struggling harder, who knows what they'll do to her! I sharply elbowed the rick to my right only to have two more full in and grab me. I growled and twisted my head around as watched Defeatedly as my (y/n) disappeared down that hall. I was forced into the large council room.

I glared at each of the smug faces of the councilmen. Rick Prime laughed as he stood up.

"Well, welcome back aGAin c-137." He laughed clapping his hands together

"What dID I do this time?" I grinned a little, "Hurt your fweelings?"

"Having an untagged (y/n) with you." Rick prime grinned, "Since yOU are still held in Rick-Law, we will be taking your (y/n) and she will be given to the highest bIDder of ricks without a (y/n)." He chuckled, "But you get to see her one more times being fUCked by one of our own." He gestured to the screen now flickering on

I turned my head away not wanting to watch. All was silent for too long. So I slowly opened my eyes and slowly turned my head towards the screen. What I saw shocked me even. The rick that had taken my (y/n) down that hall was laying face down in the grey room. His arm and opposite leg were handcuffed together and my (y/n) was no where to be found, her pants and shoes were there though.

I grinned a little at the shocked face of the councilmen. Rick Prime was still standing his eyes fixated on the screen.

"I-i-impossible!" He stammered

(2nd pov)

This Rick face was centimeters from yours. You glared at him. This caused him to chuckle.

"You still don't know do you?" He placed a hand by your head, "Here, (y/n)s are servants, slaves, mere bunnies to a Rick, a wolf" your eyes widened as he continued, "and since c-137 hasn't tagged you your territory ripe for the taking." He grew dangerously close to your face, "And I do not have a bunny.~"

Some how you had lost your shoes when this rick forcibly pressed his lips to yours. He began to tug down your pants as you began to struggle against his actions. Your pants pooled around your ankles as he pulled away and grinned. He didn't see it coming. You swig your still cuffed hands right at his nose. He stumbled backwards holding his now bloody nose. As you took the chance to kick him where it hurts. He groaned in pain and lowered his body. You swung your foot around the back of your heel making contact this his left temple.

He groaned once as he landed face first on the hard ground he didn't get up. You quickly patted him down and found the keys to your cuffs. You held them in hand you took his left ankle and cuffed it to his right wrist. In case he got up. You rushed out of the door in your purple socks and underwear.

You did a quick check of the hall and rushed out. You got to the lobby and didn't stop as you bolted out of the large lobby doors. You rushed down a random street moving as fast as you could.

(Small timeskip)

You arrived at the same circle in this city. You sighed this massive labyrinth of a city was not helping you at all. How did anyone navigate it?

You turned your head when you heard a rick yell. It was on of the soldiers. He had a finger pointed towards you and all business in the circle stopped all eyes turned to you. You bolted in the other direction of the soldier rick.

"Hey!" You heard a more female voice in an ally branching off of the road you were running on

You nervously looked behind you and then walking hesitantly into the ally. You felt a small sliver of relief when you saw it was a (y/n). The one from before, the one with the greying eye. She grabbed your hand and started to pull you down the ally.

"Come on!" She said in a hushed tone

"Why should I trust you?" You asked pulling your hand away

"Well, for one in you, and two I know this place better than my rick knows this place." She growled grabbing your hand, "my rick was right about c-137s always stubborn."

You let her lead you down a maze of streets and allies. You both arrived at the back of a nicer looking building. She pulled you towards a door. She gazed around you could see she was turning her head slightly as she gazed around. She raised her fist and knocked three times on the door. One short two long. She stepped away from the door slightly. After a few moments the door creaked open and a face popped out. It looked a lot like you, only there was three distinct freckles on either of her cheeks. She blinked a few times at both of you but smiled softly.

She pushed the door open more and allowed you in.

"Hiya stranger, I'm (y/n) B-487, but most people call me, S. , who are you?" The girl said

"I... ummm..." you stammered looking for the answer

"This is c-137, S," the (y/n) holding you hand still stated plainly she turned to you, "I'm (y/n) B-417, otherwise known as L or Lab." She smiled softly at you, "S. stands for Storage, because her Rick has plenty of Jerry, Morty, and (Y/n) drop offs around the multiverse. This place is just one of the (y/n) ones. This tends to be where most of the Ricks drop off their (y/n), cause you know it's in the citadel." She shrugged as she continued to lead you down a hall, "Unlike the jerry or morty day-cares we're not allowed to leave. So I sneak out every so often to get things." She paused, "I'm lab because my Rick is what they call Lab Rick, because he's usually inventing things for the council." She sighed sadly, "Today S, is alone working at the check in."

You all arrived at a door and followed S and L in. Your eyes widened as you gazed around. A wall was lined from floor to ceiling with book shelves. There was different bowls with chocolate, fruit, and candies around and cushy Looking chairs and bean bags. Different versions of you were all sitting around doing different things. Reading, talking, braiding each other's hair. All different shades of (e/c) eyes turned towards you and they smiled.

"Welcome to the (y/n) nook."

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