Chapter 21

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You smile softly at rick forcing your surprise down, some how just him being here made you more confident. He smirked at you from where he was sitting. You looked at your comrades, they each nodded signaling you to introduce them.

"Hello, Astrology students! We are here today to lecture to you about the atmospheric properties that space can have on the human body and the-" you were cut off by an older looking student

"Why should I listen to a young insolent little brat like you!?" He glared daggers towards you, "Let alone your a women and you and your rag tag gang of misfits probably half-assed their way through college just barley graduating from a mediocre school, who lets anyone in."

You held a hand out to Triss whom was fuming. You held his gaze equally and cocked a brow.

"Since when does Harvard accept bratty students who don't realize that everyone whom comes to lecture is a pristine guest?" You paused to snicker, "At least that's what they did when I went here."

The whole room broke into loud 'ohs' as the student looked very offended. Rick grinned proudly at you. The student was fuming and was about to speak but you cut him off.

"Of you didn't want to come, why did you?" You put your put your arms out, "Why did you? This is an open lecture, you are not required to be here, I know some of the people here aren't even students yet their here to hear what we have to say and learn." You glared up at the student as they towards the students sitting around him, they probably plant this together, "If you want to leave, then go. This lecture will go on with or without you." You gestured towards the door, "Now we need to begin, with no more disruptions, will you stay or will you go?"

The student fumed out of the room and you smiled proud of yourself. You adjusted the lab coat slightly grinning, "Anything else?" Each person shook their head in turn and to nodded yourself, "Good." 

You continued introducing each of your teammates then turned towards the chalk board. You giggled a little as you saw Triss mouth the words 'Straight up savage.' You picked up a piece of chalk and turned back to the crowd. You began to explain basic information about space and the atmosphere. You would see a student occasionally jot something down on a notepad. You gestured to Bradford.

"Now Bradford here will explain the effects the atmospheric pressure can have on the human body," you paused to laugh a little, "After all he is the pack a first aid kit grocery shopping." 

Bradford rolled his brow eyes, "Sure," he walked up next to you, "(y/n), Would you please extend your arms?" You complied stretching your fingers out wide Bradford grabbed your right wrist and raised it up higher, "Now it all matters about the size and shape of the persons body, we have measured and re measured (y/n) so we can say for sure that she is a 4 foot 11 inch 37 centimeter 135 pound 46 ounces female." You noticed rick jot something down but shrugged it off as Bradford answered a question 

"Just out of curiosity why did you remeasure her so many times?" The student asked 

Bradford chuckled, "(y/n) would you care to answer that?" 

You rolled your eyes, "I'm just the lab rat of the group, and let me tell you I've broken more than my fair share of broken bones." The crowd rippled with laughter rick just looked concerned 

The crowd settled and Bradford continued, "You also must know any ailments said person has, (y/n) has mild asthma and has a small allergic reaction to some plastic materials, and bananas." You rolled your eyes, "And for females we need to know if they are pregnant or not, because the fetus could cause the mother to go into shock and possibly die." Bradford laughed, "And we know (y/n) has not had any action in awhile, if any." You rolled your eyes, "We also need to know of any genetic anomalies, like (y/n) has hypermobility, which allows her joints to do this." He suddenly grabbed your right arm and bent it the wrong way at the elbow and you allowed it.

You stifled a laugh as the disturbed noises and face you saw from the crowd as your elbow was bent about a 45 degree angle from where it normally able by most. Laughter threatening to spew from your mouth you giggled slightly. Your whole group finally broke into a hysterical laughter you following soon after. You only laughed harder seeing Ricks really confused and worried face. Tears started to sting the edges of your vision as you finally stopped laughing. You puffed out a few large breaths and smiled.

Bradford wheezed from beside you, "I thought more of you would know hypermobility is double jointedness." 

He continued to lecture about the effects on the human body with Alexis jumping in occasionally. They answered questions in turn. They each had an energetic edge to their voice that made you smile. Soon you transitioned neatly to the effects on the machine Triss happily explaining the motel she brought in. Soon enough they transitioned into  the math, that's all you. You grinned and started to write the equations down onto the chalk board. You answered questions instantly knowing the answer not having to think too hard about it. You were in the middle of writing another equation when something wrapped around your wrist. You screamed as a shot rippled right next to your head sending the creature sprawling to the ground. 

You quickly threw your gaze around seeing everyone frozen the way they were Triss gazing into the crowd, Bradford and Jeff were stopped mid speaking, Alexis was turned was watching you write stuff on the board. Your gaze snapped to rick his frozen face was concerned as he was in the middle of getting up. The creature stirred and you scrambled backwards away form it. The creatures looked alien and angered. It started to move towards you as you fell backward on your butt and you continued your frantic scramble backwards. You heard light thumps then a figure landed between you and the creature.

The figure cocked its head, "Trying to kill me by attacking my past self?" The figure sounded female and laughed, "Its gunna be a LOT harder than that!" The figure shucked a very futuristic looking shot gun causing parts of it to glow a frightening red 

The figure basted with the gun at the creature blowing its head off and turned towards you with a large grin. It soon faded when many footsteps were heard around. 

"Now this is where it gets complicated." The said staring at you, "Look I'm... I don't really know how to say this, but your the me that hasn't lost her mind yet..." they paused to scratch their chin, "Look I'm you from the future, and these bozos." She kicked the creature, "Want me... us dead. So they came back to kill you thus killing me, they are fucking stupid not realizing the paradoxes they will create, but this is a part of out history, cause I remember it." They... you.. shrugged tapping the helmet concealing their face." Oh yeah! Gotta not die and stuff." 

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