Chapter 29

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You stayed that night..... and the next.... And the next. Three days and two nights. L has been with you. She held an interesting point of discussion about the quantum mechanics of fighter ships while you stuffed your face with chocolate chips. Some how none of the Rick's have suspected you of being the "Runner." They walked in a (y/n) got up and followed them out.yiu would occasionally see S, but she was always refilling the food bowls and was too busy to talk. You lay on your stomach head resting on your fists as you watched as L happily explained the communication system she made that her right had stolen. Occasionally your left hand would dip down and grab a few chips from the top of the pile in the glass bowl between your arms. Your gaze not dropping from L's face and smiled, she seemed so happy as she beamed out the mathematics of her invention and the different chemistry you could use to send a Neurological message to another in the system.

"So basically its Telepathic." You said cocking a brow as you popped a chocolate chip in your mouth 

She paused, "Yes, and no. Telepathic is where you can talk to anyone with ease, but with my system only people in the network can be connected." She rolled her eyes, "I saw my rick dumbing it down for himself, cause it is a difficult concept to grasp." 

"Nah. I feel ya." You hummed popping more chocolate chips in your mouth 

Both of you looked up as the lights flickered off. The door creaked open and S appeared. She turned and smiled softly looking back.

"It's ok Ricky, I'll be right there, just checking in on our 'nighters." She said with a smile and turned to both of you. 

She happily sauntered over to both. She grinned widely dimples pressed small shadows on her face in the low light. Her light (e/c) eyes almosted glowed in the dark, she seemed completely comfortable in the darkness. More comfortable than you were, like more comfortable in darkness then daylight. You shrugged it off maybe it was the long nights she worked or maybe just a trait from her universe. She stopped a few feet from you. She placed a hand on a cocked hip.

"So ya'll need anything before I leave?" She asked smiling broadly 

You cocked a brow, "Can we have the flashlights I can see in your other hand?" 

She chuckled softly, "I thought I was the only (y/n) here who could see in the dark." 

"What!?" You said grinning, "I predicted something like that but-" 

"Well, ya'll didn't say nothing." She tossed you a flash light, "Both of yous always predicting and questioning things, chatting like a bunch of squirrels over a pinecone." She laughed and tossed the other flash light in her hand to L, "Well, I'll sees you tomorrow, you know where everything is." She began to walk away, "Bye, now ya'll." She said waving as she closed the door

"So in that universe are we from Texas?" You asked flickering on the flashlight 

"No, Tennessee I believe. Or she's from Georgia." L shrugged the grey cloud in her blind eye glistening eeirely in your flashlights soft light 

"Do all of um see in the dark?" You muttered popping a few chocolate chips in your mouth

"The only few I've meet from dimension A-127 is Rick, Morty, and S." She paused to snatch a few chocolate chips from your bowl, "Rick and morty and blind as bats in the dark until their eyes naturally adjust to the low light, but S can see in light and dark. She told me that her version of our father could see just like her. So I believe it's has something to with our bloodline in that dimension." 

"What about your family do you have one in your dimension?" You asked, L stiffened 

"I-in my dimension I'm an orphan." She scracthed the back of her neck, "not that it was that bad through, really pushed me to try and become the genus I am today." She smiled down at you, "So what about your dimension?" 

"Umm..... well, my dad died nearly a year ago now, and moms gone almost completely insane. So yeah, that sums up my life in one pretty little sentence." You chuckled 

L laughed pulling the blanket over her shoulders more. You cocked a bow and tossed a few more chocolate chips into your mouth.

"Ask me anything, anything at all. My life is pretty stereotypical girl, now while you come up with a question I'm going to get fat off these chocolate chips." You laughed shoving a hand full of them into your mouth

"Ok... hmm.." she tipped her chin like you did when you were thinking, "Any childhood pets?" 

"Hmm... let's see, their was Bookie the snake that we had to give to a zoo because he was too large, Sylvester the hamster," L cut in with 'I know what happened to him', "Umm... their was Jesus the cat." 

L cocked a brow, "Jesus?" 

"Hey, I was like 9 and studies for a large test in world religion studies." You shrugged, "He was a good cat.... he got cancer through." You shoved some more chocolate chips in your mouth to stop talking long enough to push the memoies of your favorite cat away, "Anything else?" 

"Sure... do you like coffee?" L asked light 

You grimaced and stuck out your tounge, "No! I fucking hate coffee!" You laughed slightly, "I'm more of a hot coco girl." 

Coffees 'ight. Chug a mug every morning when rick isn't looking." A small smile creased her face. 

You giggled, "Come keep shorting at me." 

"Hmmm..." the mischievous glint in her good eye made you worried, "Virgin?" 

 "W-what!?" You stuttered face flushing 

"Are you a virgin?" She asked gazing down at you intensely, "Its just a question, I shot now you answer." 

You slammed your face into the floor, "What does this have to do with anything?" 

"Nothin' just want to know." She chuckled, "Curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat." You said 

"Satisfaction brought it back." L retorted, "Spill. Yes or no. Virgin or not."

You paused glancing nervously around, "No." 

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