Chapter 27

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You gazed around at each of the different faces. L smiled a little and tugged you in. She plopped you in a bean bag by some of the exquisitely placed stairs. She swept off towards one off the side panels. It cracks open and she pulls out a very plush looking grey sweater. She walked back over to you. She made a gesture that you assumed meant you'd need to change into this shirt. You quickly pulled off your damp shirt and pulled on the warm and cozy sweater. 

"D-do you have any pants?" You asked quietly nuzzling into the large neck piece of the sweater 

L chuckled, "No actually, we're not even supposed to have shirts here truly." She scratched at the back of her neck, "Rick Rule. It's dumb I know, but we have them here just in case." She plopped herself down on the stairs behind you and started to run her fingers through your hair.

All was quiet as the rest (y/n)s in the nook continued their quiet chatter. Every so often you felt L's fingers brush your scalp. Another (y/n) came up to you. A small flower crown in her hands. She smiled a little and placed it softly on your head. She scampered off with a happy laugh and jumped over a small couch and poked her head over the edge at you. 

"A-126, she's a big old sweetheart, even through her rick is an absolute asshole." L said as she continued you braid your hair, you felt her legs brush ethier shoulder, "She'll come in with bruises she refuses to explain and says she was 'usual clumsy self and fell down the stairs'. The first couple times I would have believed it, but sometimes she'll come in looking worse than the day before." L growled lowly, "Anyone with eyes could see her Rick hits her, but I can't fuckin' prove it, 'Cause your just a (y/n) no one will take you seriously.'" She grumbled lowering her tone to mock someone, she sighed, "Luckily it hasn't happened again, but it's still straight up bullshit." 

You sighed and adjusted the flower crown on your head, "Tell me about more about yourself." You said stirring the conversation away or at least you tried 

"As you know I'm called Lab (y/n), he totes me around more because in his dimension he focused only on science and never had a child, Beth is the kid I heard most Ricks had." You heard her shrug, "Plenty of people wants Rick's head so they use Mortys to counter act their brain waves, but my Rick didn't have one, so being on of the most important assets to the Council of Ricks they encouraged him to adopt one of the Mortys whose Ricks died." She unbraided your hair and started again, "My Rick told them 'Fuck no a Morty would just be a distraction to my work.'  So the Council needed to find someone else to mask his 'Oh-So-Important' brain waves so that's why he started to bring me on his missions, I mask his brain waves just enough so he can't be tracked." She tugged at your hair a little too hard earring a quiet 'ow' from you, "But my Rick fucking knows that I don't completely cover him, that's why he's always doing shit so fast and never hangs out anywhere like the other Rick's tend to do." She puffed a sigh, "What about you what troubles have you and your rick gotten into?" 

You paused, "We paused time for a few months..." you said with a shug 

L paused mid braid, "Show me your right wrist." She said sternly 

You lifted your wrist to her, she gribbed your wrist and pulled it closer to her. She closely expected your wrist, she ran her thumb over it multiple times. She seemed to be trying to find something. She released your wrist. A soft sigh blew past her lips. 

"I suspected it, but didn't want to believe it." She whispered 

"What?" You asked rubbing your wrist 

"Your not tagged." L groaned quietly

"And that means?" You asked 

L gasped loudly causing a few (y/n)s to shot their heads around at you two, but they soon returned their gazed to what ever they happened to be doing. 

"You seriously don't know what a tag is?!" She whispered you shook your head  alittle causing her to sigh, "A tag is something your Rick will put in your wrist. Under your skin, they use it... how to put this..." she hummed restating the braid she started, "You know the tags they put on a wild animal when they release them back into nature? It's like that. The Rick's tag us so they can track us down and make sure we're not doing anything wrong," she sighed sadly, "Its like once your rick tags you everything changes, they change, not always, but then you realize that you can never have any privacy anymore." 

That makes sense, but there was another thing you couldn't understand, "So if I'm an untagged (y/n). That means I'm free game?" You asked lightly trying not attract too much attention from the other (y/n)s 

"Yes.. to an extent." (Man I'm cramming so much exposition into this one character XD) L whispered twisting your hair into a nice braid, "A rick is only allowed one (y/n) through, say if theirs die they are allowed to get another one, but that does not happen very often. There are universes where we never exist, or where we died before we even met Rick, so they take (y/n)a from universes under the same conditions and teach them to be the "Perfect (y/n)" and then sell them to the highest bidder of Ricks who don't have a (y/n) in their universe." She paused as she adjusted your flower crown, "That's probably what you were sentenced with being your untagged, have a rick with you, and the councilmen don't really like c-137 that much." 

"... Ok... that's a-a lot of information to process..." you said staring forward blankly

"I know c-137.." She rubbed your scalp a little, "I know..." 

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