Chapter 11

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You sat down brushing your hands over your thighs slightly. You gazed around the restaurant smiling at the environment around you. It was a humble dinner, not much bigger than the McDonald's across the street. There was lights above each table shinning a soft yellow or orange. The table cloths were simple, red and white checkered. You smiled at the waiter as he approached. 

"Welcome again (y/n), and I see you have a new guest this time." He chuckled looking at Rick, "Can I start you off with a drink sir?" 

"What do you have for drinks?" Rick asked his tone gruff

"Well we have pepsi and coke products, we have a lot of them, lemonade, milk," his pronunciation of the word 'milk' always made you giggle he said it like 'malk', "Umm... water." 

"Just give me a coke." Rick grumbled 

"And you my lady?" You cocked a brow at this, "Ha! I tease. One (f/d) ((favorite drink)) and a coke coming up!" He said cheerily walking away. 

You tipped up the menu and hummed slightly. Should you try something new or eat something you usually do. Rick made a noise and you cocked a brow peering at him over the menu. Your selected meal in mind you placed the menu gently down in front of you. You folded your hands over it and watched as Ricks eyes darted the menu. The deep blue always seeming to swirl, so inquisitive. A drink was set in front of you breaking you from your thoughts. It was a different waiter this time, one you didn't recognize. 

"Hi." You said taking a sip from your drink, "You must be new."

"Yup!" She said cheerily, "Your the regular (y/n) right?" 

"I wouldn't have the puncher card if I wasn't." You laughed 

"Are you two ready to order?" She asked pulling out a small waiter clip board

"I am, what about you rick?" You asked turning to him 

He grunted slightly, "What's this big bite sandwich?" 

You were ready to answer but let the new girl do it.

"Hmm, I believe it's a pretty big steak sandwich." She said 

"Ok I'll take that." He said folding his menu down in front of him 

"And you Miss?" She said still scribbling down Ricks order

"If they have told you what it is the usual." You hummed 

She looked confused for a brief moment then nodded, "Yes Ma'm!" She sauntered away happily 

You smiled happily then stared at the menus in front of you and giggled. She quickly returned flustered and gathered the menus away from you. You snickered light heartedly as she shuffled away quickly. You looked at Rick. You smiled happily, you always loved this place, Rick seemed less than joyed. You furrowed your brows.

"Are you ok rick?" You said worried you weren't being a good.. Date? 

He grunted crossing his arms and legs, "I'm fine." He said bluntly

"Well, if you want to we can leave." You said with a slight sniffle, you felt like you were doing a bad job 

"No, it's ok." He paused to look at you, "Just not used to going out and not drinking." 

"Oh!" You looked down a the table, "I.. can understand that." 

He cocked the side of his brow, but didn't ask for you to alliterate, "So where did you move from?" He asked steering the conversation from that topic 

"I'm from Bellevue, Wisconsin." You hummed taking a sip from your drink, "I lived just outside of Green Bay, to give you a picture." 

"Ha! That explains why your so nice and want to repay nice deeds!" Rick chuckled slightly 

"Psh." You stirred your drink with your straw, "I always through it was because I didn't want trouble and have to repay a heavier price." You chuckled yourself, you always were a kind hearted person, maybe because you've suppressed things, maybe that explains the outburst. 

You shook your head clearing the thoughts. You continued to talk with rick learning more about him. You couldn't stop smiling. The new waiter came with your food and you thanked her. She left and you happily dug in. Shoveling food, in slight meters, in your mouth rick chuckled.

"Whatt??" You asked poniting your fork at him 

"I've never seen a (y- girl eat so savagely." He stammered as through he was going to say your name you cocked a brow, but didn't press.

"That's how to test 'em." You scooped more food in your mouth, "That's what my dad told me anyway." you laughed setting your fork down, "'(y/n), you know a guy will sick around if he can handle your voracious appetite that rivals lumberjacks.'" You giggled at your own impressions your father.

"Well, your father was quite the wise man." Rick laughed taking a bite of his sandwich.

"That's one of many advices on life, there was a few I never understood." You paused trying to draw one to your mind, "'don't trust all scientist.', 'Tall and skinny don't give the time of day.', 'blue hair is bad.' To name a few." You looked up to a frozen seeming to be shocked rick.

He was stopped with his sandwich half way to his mouth. Like someone pressed the pause button on him. His blue eyes were wide and far off, his mouth moved to form the word 'damn' no noise was made. You cocked a brow slightly worried and continued to eat. Rick eventually broke from his daze as ate on in silence. Did i do something wrong? You pondered this thought. You payed and walked down with rick still silent. Just as you started the care rick spoke.

"I want to show something." Was all he said. 

You were quiet for a moment wondering as if it was a good idea. You sighed a nodded. Rick was silent most of the ride only staying a direction or two on occasion. You were still pondering if this was the best idea. 

"Stop here." Rick said once you reached the edge of the forest

"What is sup-" you were cut off by Rick 

"If we want them to come out we have to stay quiet. So turn off the truck." 

You swallowed slowly shutting it off. All was silent for awhile and you were starting to question why you listened to an old man who probably has alzheimer's. Ricks eyes stayed glued to the forest in front of him. You heard a quiet noise on your side of the truck. You looked in the mirror as saw a bright blue glowing object moving towards you. You knit your brows. The only thing you've ever seen make a luminous that bright was the asset. While you were lost in your thoughts you heard a quiet bump on the window. Your eyes widened as you looked up at it. It looked like a large stag, at least not how you knew them. It was beautiful actually. There was a doe approaching the stag her movements hesitant. 

"Wha-what are they?" You whispered quietly 

"Deer from Lux splendida." Rick hummed his head on your shoulder, "They only ever take on one mate and breed for life." 

You were to amazed at the sight. Their dark eyes contrasted beautifully from their bright coats. The longer you stared the more faint pinks, greens, and yellows came into view. This was amazing all of your questions hushed just by the beauty of these creatures.  

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