Chapter 19

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She stared at me for a brief moment, "His features just looked too sharp to me." She paused closing her eyes as through remembering hurt, "His eyes were almost slitted like a cats." 

I was surprise by this, when I watched the cam he looked almost the exact same as me, "Are you sure?" 

"YES!" She snapped glaring at me, "I answered your question now answer mine." 

I sighed and begun to explain the multiverse how there are infinite mes and hers and Mortys. Infinite possibilities in an infinite scale. A answered her barrage of follow up questions. They took me off guard a little, they were incredibly genuine and filled with a great hunger for knowledge. Her eyes darted back and forth over my face as I spoke as though she was reading a book. Her (e/c) eyes taking in all information she could grasp. Morty got her a glass of water, but she hasn't even taken in its existence. It sat there next to her condensation running down its sides. She shited slightly and helped loudly when she went to set her hand down her fingers dived into the water. She glanced down at it chuckling slightly then move down the glass.

"Ok, one more question," she paused to run her fingers through her hair, "He said something along the lines of me being a score? Do you have any idea why I would be a score to any of the Ricks?" She stared at me with those deep (e/c) eyes reading my features 

I can't tell her, she would never trust me again, she would think I've become friends with her just for that. But isn't that why your doing it? My own question seemed to stab me a little. Isn't to tag her the reason I was doing this? Am I actually falling in love with a (y/n).

I shook my head with a chuckle to cover the hesitation, "(y/n), you would be a score no matter who was going after you." Ok cool I avoided that, her brow furrowed, that's not good.

"But why would a rick from a different demention, just to get with me, it just doesn't make logical sense to me!" She looked frustrated, she knows I knew the answer, she wanted the answer.

"H-h-hey Rick?" Morty stammered by me, "T-t-there's something b-beeping in your lab." 

Great, the perfect excuse to get out of talking with her. 

I rolled my eyes and faked an annoyed groan, "Let me GO check it." I heaved myself up and looked down at (y/n) she looked surprisingly calmer than she was about half an hour ago, "I thINk you caught onto the mULtiverse shit faster than Morty," i snickered, "Not that thATs much of a compliment though." 

I shuffled away to my lab to happily discover nothing important was damaged or was going to explode. I need to make it seem like I was working hard to fix something so hopefully (y/n) drops the topic. I quickly started to shuffle through my stuff dropping a wrench or a hammer occasionally. It's probably about time to unpause time. I grabbed the device and walked back out into the living room. (Y/n) was helping Morty start to scrub the couch of red wine. She heard me enter and cast her gaze up suspiciously, but said nothing. 

"So after we get a new couch, should we unpause time?" I asked 

(Y/n) instantly groaned dramatically, "I was enjoying not having to go to a lecture!" She laughed 

I rolled my eyes, "whatever, but we can't keep the world like this forever." 

She laughed, "Ok." 

We hauled the new couch into the house with slight difficulty but put it into place. We burned the other couch in the backyard in a dumpster. We watched the fire enjoying our final moments of paused time. Summer and Morty were actually getting along and throwing a frisbee. (Y/n) smiled softly as she stared into the fire, her eyes seemed to flicker with the flame as they licked towards the dark sky. She looked extremely beautiful in this moment her face having a warm orange glow to it. Her smile showed her straight teeth k-9s sharp. She cast her glance to me briefly with a cocked brow. I blushed and looked away earning a loud laugh from her.

"To think, tomorrow, technically, I will be lecturing with Alexis, Triss, Bradford, and Jeff." She sighed deeply and leaned back in the chair, "I never thought I was going to be doing this when I started college."

"So who are you lECturing too?" I asked turning my gaze to the sky 

"Some- some college seniors and their practically ancient professor, I believe they the seniors for a doctorate." She hummed, "At Harvard, (that's where I am making the smiths live by. Fight me). It's an open lecture, so there may not all of the astrology students there." She shrugged, "Less people the better." 

Something popped into my mind, "Oh come on!" I said pulling her up, "I have something to give you." I drug her around into the garage.

I had her stand by the work bench and held my palms toward her meaning for her to stay there. I backed up making the same gesture tripping over a box slightly. I searched the table top and my heart dropped its not there. I rummaged around my lab and found it on the floor by my shelves. I held it up by the chain. She smiled brightly I placed it in her hands. The warm amber light reflected into her eyes making for a beautiful combination. 

"T-thanks Rick!" She said happily pulling the ends of the chain to hang it around her neck, "Its a beautiful necklace." 

"Your welcome," I paused to look at her in it, "Now if your ever in trouble just say my name three times, and I'll get sent your location." I said tapping my watch

She cocked a brow, "So you made this today?" She asked 

I blushed a little, "N-NO!" 

She rolled her eyes, "Rick," she paused to hum slightly, "Rick," she gazed around my lab slightly, "Rick." 

My wrist flashed and made a beeping noise, a loud ear-splitting one. (Y/n) winced slightly at the sound. I tapped on my watch a few times and it shut up and a looked up to a (y/n) losing her shit. She wheezed loudly with laughter. She stood up wiping a tear from her face. 

"Is that really needed to be that extravagant?" She giggled 


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