Chapter 8

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WARNING: This chapter is pretty cliche and cheesy, kinda :p) 

You chuckled softly as the wheels shifted back into their normal position and touched down on the ground. Pulling off your helmet you shook your ponytail alittle. The sweat was drying above your brow, which made you feel sticky. You puffed out a breath and wiped your brow with the back of your gloved hand.

Triss ran down your drive her arms wide. She threw her arms around your shoulders and laughed.

"That was great!" She laughed happily, "The guys and I are going out to get drinks you wanna come?"

"N-no." You paused, "I've had enough excitement for one day."

"Fine suit yourself." She hummed releasing you, "See ya later." She waved as she walked over to the mini van

You waved as they passed you and started to unbuckle the straps on connecting you to the asset. You got up and gazed around. From down the street where the mini-van full of your friends had disappeared, to the smith house, and then your gaze stopped at Rick struggling to unlatch himself from the asset. You grinned widely and stifled a laugh.

"Need help there Rick?~" You snickered

He struggled some more then nodded sadly in defeat. You giggled a little and walked over. With a well toned ease you unlatched them. He hopped off the asset and you grabbed the handle leading it towards the garage. You paused as the door shuttered open and wheeled the asset in and covered it with a sheet.

You turned to rick, "umm.... so..?" You pulled off your gloves and tossed them on the bench, "Do you.... ummm? Wanna come inside for a drink?" You said scratching the back of your neck turning to Rick, "I think I still have beer, and maybe some wine or whiskey." 

Rick just stared at you for a few brief moments then nodded, "Sure." He said.

You smiled shyly, "Follow me." You said walking out of the garage.

The door shuttered closed as you made it to the front door. Fumbling with your keys a little you managed to unlock it and led Rick through the  mud room. You hummed softly walking to the kitchen and started to dig around in the cooler. 

~-(Rick pov)-~ 

Must say I enjoy the view. I leaned on the doorframe as she continued to dig around in the cooler. I took a sip from my flask and slipped it in the pocket of my coat. She happily jumped up and turned around with two beers and a large grin. 

"T-the guys probably left stuff in the living room too." She hummed her face tinting slightly 

She led the way out of the kitchen and across the hill to the living room. She quickly gathered all the papers scattered around into a neat pile and sat down cross legged. 

"What's with your frIDge?" I asked sitting down.

"That things just a filthy pigsty and I don't want to put my items that needed to stay cold in there." She laughed slightly gazing around the living room, "The whole house needs a good scrub down." She hummed 

"I-I could help you." I muttered scratching the back of my neck

"R-really?" She asked eyes wide

I nodded slightly, "Sure, if you need the help, I'm willing to give it." 

Her eyes seemed to sparkle at me, "I'll take it! Thank you!" She laughed a little. 

I nodded my head slightly, "Just being neighborly." And your my (y/n) and I need to protect you, and hold you, and keep you. I held my tongue on the last part.

She wrapped her hands around my torso and nuzzled her face into my chest a little, "Thank you!" She squeaked 

I felt heat rise in my face. Damn (y/n)'s can be cute. I smiled softly and pulled her into a closer hug. She adjusted slightly and pressed herself closer to me. She was warm, it was nice. This hug lasted in silence for a few minutes her face buried in my neck. I smiled softly as her sweet scent wafted up towards me. It was a nice mixture of cherry blossom and sweat. I nuzzled her close pulling her onto my lap. 

"I don't know why," she paused in her whisper, "But this just feels right." 

I hummed slightly holding her close to my chest. She pressed her cheek to my chest and was silent. Could she hear the pounding of my heart or something else. I saw her lips curl into a soft smile as she nuzzled closer to my chest. I pulled her away slightly and held her slim face in my hands. I gazed into those wonderful (e/c) pools of wow and couldn't help but smile. She stared back with the same boldness as she did this morning when she told me to get my head out of my ass and take the dresser up stairs. I slowly started to stroke her cheek with my thumb. I scanned her eyes her interesting wonder fillled deep (e/c) eyes. That were all mine. she ran her fingers over my hand. Gingerly her finder tips danced along my knuckles. Her cheeks were warm and showed a reddish tint. I'm sure mine looked the same. The silence wasn't suffocating, but nice. She swallowed slowly. I make a small grin. All this beauty and interesting personality was all mine, for this is MY (y/n). As long as I can tag her she is my property. 

I leaned forward more pressing my lips to hers. There was a brief hesitation from her, but she pressed back with equal force. She slowly ran her hands up to my hair running her fingers through it. We continued this kiss, breaking briefly for air, then pressing our lips back together. Now, this is then perfect moment to tag her. But I didn't, this (y/n) was different, more likely to rebel, it will take awhile to tag her. The kiss when just getting farther when a phone started to ring. My phone.  We pulled away, something clicked in her eyes and she began to blush and hard. She climbed off my lap.

"I-I'll go out theses in the kitchen." She stammered grabbing the now empty cans.

I grabbed my phone and looked who it was, "Morty, you cock blocking ass." I answered it, "Whater you want nerd?" I growled 

"R-r-r-Rick I just a-wanted to know why you were gone so l-long." Morty's stupid voice stammered over the phone 

"Yeah." I hummed, "I'm headed home now." I sighed hanging up before his annoying voice could reply, "Hey (y/n)?" 

"Yes?" She hummed from the kitchen 

"I have to head back home." I said 

"Ok." She said 

I rose to my feet and left the house crossed the street and entered my own house. I climbed the stairs and entered my own room. I fell face down in my bed. 

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