At Long Last

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Dick's Pov

"What the hell happened out there?" I stepped out of the zeta-tube. Bruce was at the computer, cowl off and everything. Barb was sitting next to him, her arms crossed with a scowl on her face.

I glanced at Bruce, wondering for a second if he would say something. But then I erased the thought from my mind. I took off my gloves, slamming them on the desk and started towards the stairs.

"If you aren't going to say anything, why didn't you go to the Hall?" At that moment, I don't know what happened, but I stopped walking. My heart was still pounding in my chest, and I certainly was still upset about what I just experienced. I spun on my heel to face her.

"Until someone can explain to me, then I can't answer you," I paused, forcing myself to keep my temper in check. "Yes, I am upset. And so is Jason. He's angry: revenge worthy angry, and none of us can do or say anything to stop him."

She switched her gaze and focused on her lap. As usual, Bruce was silent.

"You heard what he said to me," That's when I decided to go out on a limb. "Bruce?" 

At first, I didn't expect him to say anything. After a few seconds of silence, I sighed to myself and prepared to spend the rest of the night locked in my room. Very childish, I'm aware, but I really needed the night off.

"I need you to stay out of this."

"Out of it? Are you kidding me right now?" A few hours ago I didn't want anything to do with the mission. But did I want to be removed completely? I didn't think so. "Now is not the time."

"But it is," He stood up, not bothering to look at me. All he did was walk over to the suit platform a few feet away. "The Team and the League needs you to focus. If you're too caught up with Jason, you're splitting your time with him, the Team, and Kristen. Jason is my priority. Kristen should be yours."

I crossed my arms, locking my stance on the stairs. "Why? Because you need me to be the League's spy?" 

"Because she's important to you," I didn't have anything to say to that. For a moment, I had forgotten he knew me so well.

"I will focus on Jason," He paused and for once I could sense some emotion in his next words. "He's my responsibility. Not yours, and certainly not yours, Barbra."

I gave Babs a look. He was emotional, emotional enough for Bruce. No matter how much I hated it, I would leave the lead. "This is important to us too, Bruce."

"I know," He stepped passed me and moved up the stairs to the door. "But this is something the two of you will and must understand. Good night."

I was stunned, to say the least. In the many years of disagreement between us and I couldn't fight the feeling that this mission was something different. When Jason had died, a whole different side to him came out. This, this was similar enough to make me worry.

I walked over to Jason's memorial suit. The tattered mask, and cape and the staff. I remember meeting him for the first time and-

"Dick, um-" I heard some rapid typing behind me, but I paid no attention. 

"Barb, I said I would leave it alone, so drop it," I responded. I really wasn't in the mood of her obviously correct lectures.

"No, just, ugh. I found her," What? My mind wasn't registering with what she was saying. Slowly, cautiously, I faced her sitting at the computer. She was staring at me, her eyes glistening. Her systems were open in tabs right in front of her. This wasn't a lie. Why was I hoping it was a lie?

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