With Great Power Comes...

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Kris' POV

"Time to kick things up a notch," I mumbled.

I was the only thing standing between Darkseid and the base now. The others had fallen back to give me the space I needed. But I knew something else was waiting for us on the other ship that had just crossed into our line of sight at the horizon. 

The comms link in my ear had been quiet up until now. I'm pretty sure I wanted it to stay that way. So I stood, on the desert floor, stars above me.

With my hands outstretched, I awaited Darkseid's arrival. He hovered above the ground as he moved. I didn't bother to meet him though.

My gloves slid off effortlessly. I could now tie my hair up, alter my sleeves, tighten the straps on my boots, all with the flick of a finger or a simple thought. I breathed in the power like it was oxygen.

It's only been three and a half days since Oana and I were separated and here I was, back again. I knew I would have to face her one last time, but the dread that filled me from Darkseid's appearance was worse.

My bare fingers were now aware of every living thing moving around me. The life force leeched into me and the desert darkened under the light of the moon. Silence blanketed me. The crickets no longer chirped, the cicadas no longer sang. All I could see was the purple glow engulfing my body.

"Come to finish me off?" I called out. My voice rang into the night.

Darkseid came to a stop, hands behind his back, 15 feet in front of me. I stood my ground.

"Interesting," He grumbled. He voice cut through the silence like a knife. "Your magic is no lasso for my sister."

"Tell that to sorceress who put your sister in my head," I snapped back. "You are no longer welcome here, Darkseid."

He laughed, sending waves of thunder booming into my force field of death. "You don't wield enough power. I came here to claim what is mine. My army, my sister, my world."

"It's not yours, yet."

"Well, how do intend to stop me, when you'll busy with the killers you trained for me?"

I nearly almost took a step back. Behind him, in the glow of their ship, stood four teenagers. From here, I could see the angry expressions on their faces.

Well, damn. Back to bite me in the ass.

"Don't make me do this, Darkseid," The words flowed from my mouth and I knew it instantly made me look weak.

"Too late, child."

He flew above me and I would've followed if Amanda didn't come crashing down on my head with a spiked club.

I easily dodged out of the way. In fact, all I could do was weave. They were angry and seriously on a killing path. A knife swung past me, and it took way too much self-control to avoid touching them. The last thing I needed was killing these kids.

Carmen was probably the deadliest of the group. Her near flawless control of water and ice probably would've knocked me off my feet. Luckily, I had mastered flying.

"Please, I'm not the Kristen you know!" My words were useless. I was surrounded as Darkseid went on a rampage on my friends. There were flames already rising from the base behind us.

"You left," Carmen sneered, swiping for my head with a spike of ice.

"And you know we have no choice," Ben's voice was the straw that broke the camel's back. Tears pricked my eyes.

"I can help you, you do have a choice," I was cracking under the pressure. I didn't want to hurt them. I had killed too many with these four at my side. I couldn't bring myself to do them any more harm. "I had a choice and so do you."

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