20 Days

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Dick's Pov

I crossed my arms for what had to be the millionth time today. Tim and Babs have been working around the clock for the past week and a half. "Still nothing?"

Tim didn't even have to turn around to know it was me that had spoken. "I think you know the answer to that question."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Ever since the broadcast, both League and Team have been in overdrive: riot control, murder mystery, pinpointing a potential target for the Eclipse, and worst of all, debating the fate of the League.

"We're lucky enough Barbra was able to keep a recording of the voice and trap the signal," Tim said. "All we know from that is that the signal came from space."

"You think it's safe to say it came from the War World?" The War World was still a ways away, but according to the Tower computer, it was getting closer by the day.

"We can't assume. It was almost as if the signal came from everywhere at once. There could be a number of suspects," Barbra sounded very frustrated. I've never seen her this road blocked before. And if these two can't crack the code, no one could.

"I wish we could be in that meeting," Tim grumbled. Some were gathering downstairs, waiting for the League to call in our senior members. But that didn't include Tim.

"The League will listen and will gather as many sides as they can before coming to a conclusion," I replied. "But when it comes down to it, it is their decision. And their lives they must decide to sacrifice. Not ours."

"Naturally," He snapped. I pursed my lips and closed my eyes for a split second. I needed him to focus.

He probably couldn't help it though. And I couldn't blame him either.

"Keep working, I guess," I squeezed both their shoulders, then turned back to the elevator. "I'll be back with dinner."

I stepped into the elevator, sighing as the doors closed. The feeling of hopelessness was suffocating in that room and I could only imagine how much worse it could get as the week went on.

We had 20 days to decide whether or not to hand over the requested League members. But all over the world people had already made their decisions. The threat that the Eclipse has placed over our heads has started an international panic.

Darkseid and his followers wanted us distracted. I could tell that much, and we all knew they got what they wanted. We were distracted alright.

The doors opened up at the top floor where Kaldur, Artemis, M'gann, and Conner stood in deep conversation. Diana and Clark had personally asked each of us to sit in on the meeting. Sometimes, I think they would like to move us up to League membership.

But I was needed elsewhere and they knew that.

"They're running late again?" I asked, coming to a stop next to the group. Artemis gave me a look as if to say 'do you have to ask?'. "Do you think they'll do it?"

"I am not sure if I should hope they do," Kaldur responded. I could tell this took a toll on him too. A man who has been more than a father figure to him is supposed to be offering his life. It was hard to come to terms with.

I placed a hand on his shoulder. He glanced at me with a quick nod.

"This is hundreds of thousands of lives we're talking about," Conner cut in. "It won't be an easy debate."

"We have to trust that they know the situation they're getting themselves into," M'gann said. She was staring hard at the floor, her eyebrows pressed together. "They're the Justice League."

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