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Kristen's Pov

This wasn't working. We've been in the simulation room for what had to be hours now. And there was absolutely no progress.

I understand that skill needed training which took time, but we didn't have time. They wanted us ready for the next set of missions and quickly. This phase could not afford failure. I could not afford failure.

I watched as the four of them were swept to the side like rag dolls. The sim-bot was ruthless and every single time one of them stood they were knocked to the ground. I know they didn't like the reminder, but they needed to learn teamwork. It was inevitable.

Carmen was barely keeping up with her own powers, slipping in puddles of water that she had made when she lost her concentration. Ben was trying to stick with Zach since he was probably aware that the smart one would make it out alive.

Amanda...well, let's just say she wasn't fairing well either. She flipped over the robot, her arm transforming to cut off its head. Except it caught the blade, forcing her into the floor. I winced at the sound of her back cracking against the mat.

"Stop simulation," I called with a sigh. Instantly, the computer responded to my request and the machine shut down.

I moved out onto the practice mat, quickly helping up Carmen and Amanda. Bruised and wincing, Ben and Zach made their way over to us. None of them said a word and it was better that way because if one started, a fight would never end.

"I'm afraid to ask you what exactly went wrong," I started. "Because I'm not really sure if you know."

Carmen shifted to another leg and crossed her arms. Zach stared at the floor shamefully. "That's what I thought."

I started to pace. The four tightened in a circle, facing out to watch me as I walked around them. I let the silence settle for a few second before I stomped my foot, threatening Zach. Immediately his hands followed in defense.

I smiled. "When you're outnumbered, what do you do?"

These were basics. Carmen sighed, "Form ranks, cover your backs."

"It prevents from being singled off and overwhelmed," Zach finished. I nodded.

"Very well," I continued to circle them. "What do you do when you outnumber your opponent?"

"Circle them," Ben answered. "So that-"

"Why are we doing this?" Carmen interrupted.

I stopped in front of her. She was a bit shorter than me, so I used it to my advantage, even though it took a lot more than height to scare her. "Because you are forgetting what these two tactics have in common."

I didn't get a response, and that's how I knew they were hopeless. "Teamwork. You're missing teamwork. You're a team of four, and a single robot just destroyed your ranks. Do you see what the problem is?"

I stepped backward and off the mat. "Run it again."

The four of them started circling the mat, waiting as the simulation started. The single robot stood in the center absolutely still. Amanda changed her metal arm into a variation of a blaster. Ben's hands crystallized until they were sparkling diamonds. Zach was twirling a chained blade, circling it once then twice to start its momentum. Carmen had spikes of water at the ready and I smirked.

They were dangerous and if they could master this simple tactic, they would be unstoppable.

The robot stirred and the group tensed. My eyes switched back and forth over and over again to see who would make the first move. The bot or one of mine.

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