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Dick's Pov

"So, we've combed through the list of consumers that could already have the chip installed and be in the building," Barbara's voice cracked through the system as we sat in the bio-ship, already on our way to UN Headquarters.

M'gann was in the pilot's seat, staring straight ahead. The rest of Alpha squad and Lagon were spread out in their own chairs around the cockpit. In the front, on the windshield was a holographic screen, where Barbara sat, briefing us.

"And we have several matches that are currently being quarantined in the building as we speak," She continued. "The FBI and the CIA are on the scene with a bomb squad on their way, but that doesn't account for morning traffic and the media that have already set up a perimeter as close as they can to the building. We should be on high alert for an attack from either Luthor, Manta, Klarion, or even Darkseid's elite."

I cracked my knuckles. It seemed too coincidental to have Luthor's microchips already be a problem. Especially since we had just recovered a list of patients from one of his main labs on the west coast. The Team couldn't take another loss. The morale was too low.

"You know your squads," Babs said. "Alpha, your top priority is to sort out the consumers from the list as fast as possible, find the bomb and get them out. The world won't recuperate if we fail."

No pressure. I huffed to myself and nodded.

"Good luck, Oracle out," I pressed a button on the desktop and the screen disappeared.

About forty-five minutes ago, the Eclipse broadcasted another threat. In the video, they had stated two things. Lex Luthor was the real owner of PRC Inc. and that we had an hour and a half to move the bomb or millions would die.

That was exactly the problem. We could only move the bomb. It couldn't be removed. And I was having a hard time coming to terms with that.

To say that the tension on the ship was crushing was merely an understatement. It didn't make sense to me. How Luthor would just sacrifice himself like that. Because if he ever resurfaced on the planet, he would be detained, have his company shut down, and his name burned to a crisp.

It was that fact alone that really worried us. The fact that the Eclipse had so much confidence that they don't even think of what could happen if they failed. Because they're convinced that they won't.

And then all I could think about was Kristen. I shuddered and M'gann brought the bio-ship to a hover, where Alpha and Beta dropped to ground level and moved into positions.

I ignored my hair flowing around in the wind and ran in a crouched position to the front entrances. In the corner of my eye, I could see Beta setting up a perimeter around the building. But a five-year-old could tell we were spread too thin.

"Beast Boy, Superboy," I called out. I pointed up and the two of them nodded. "Beta, watch civilians. Try and clear a perimeter. Alpha, let's move."

Tim, Steph, M'gann, Malcolm, and Bart followed me through the front doors and passed the FBI officers lining the lobby. I could feel the panic started to choke me the closer we got to the conference room. Screams and arguing could be heard from behind the closed doors.

I hesitated at the entrance. My hand was hovering above the door. I had no idea what we were going to find in there. The suspicion that Lex was playing around with us was still lingering in the back of my mind. These were too many lives at stake.

That burning sensation was back in my pocket again, where I stored that damned USB drive. The idea of this failure only brought an image of Bruce to my mind. It was paralyzing.

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