7 Days

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Dick's Pov

I was ready to stab myself in the eyes. Being on duty was a pain and watching news reporter after reporter was making me sick. Count downs all over the globe were being broadcasted live, while every talk show in the nation felt it was their place to add in their opinion on our crisis.

"They've saved us more times than not, why should we sacrifice their lives. They're normal people underneath."

"That's what you're not getting Rob, they're not normal people, and whether they save us or not, isn't it their fault? Didn't they bring these enemies to Earth?"

"I think that the Justice League shouldn't get to make this decision. They're not one of us, and yet the fate of thousands rests in their hands."

I clenched my fists.

"What did I say about watching the news?"

I swiveled around in my chair to see M'gann walk in. She stopped once she reached me and crossed her arms.

I sighed. "Not to?"

"So then what are you doing?" She asked, almost glaring at the screens around me. Everyone was fed up with the media by now. It was to the point where performing well in public was becoming difficult. The world might be focused on us, but it kept on spinning with plenty of criminals to spare.

"I'm watching the news," I replied, sitting back.

"Something wrong?" She squeezed my shoulder. "You seem...angry."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "They've sacrificed so much for these people. Some of them sacrifice for a race that isn't theirs. This is what they get? The world is ready to offer up the lives of those who've saved them. More than once."

M'gann reached over my chair and swiped the screens to the left, leaving us in silence. "They're scared, Dick. And it doesn't help that we're scared, too."

I laughed at that one. She was certainly right.

"I can't stand sitting by and watching anymore," I said quietly.

"I know how you feel." We could only do so much now that the deadline was closing in. Atom's robots were being quickly manufactured and were close to being finished. But we needed more than just monitors if we're sending off ten League members.

"Listen," I looked up at M'gann. "I know it feels like the world doesn't want to be saved, but we still fight for them right? We need to keep hope alive. Isn't that what we do?"

I smiled slightly. "Of course."

"Now, I can finally tell you what I came here to. Canary needs you in the training room," I stood, making my way out of the mission room with her.

"Another training exercise?" M'gann nodded. "How does she even come up with this stuff?"

Soon enough I could hear the wrestling from down the hall and the cheers accompanying it. I guess Dinah thought it was a good idea to get everyone's minds off of the present for a while. And it was working.

M'gann and I walked into find Dinah sparring with Stephanie. I smiled at the sight, proud that Steph was holding her own.

Dinah blocked her kick and yanked on Steph's foot. Steph went with the flow and even though she was unbalanced, she landed a good punch on Dinah. Steph regained her balance, gracefully cartwheeling to the other side of the mat.

But she was taking too much time. Dinah had recovered and followed her cartwheel. The moment Steph had turned to defend her self, Dinah rammed her arm into her, knocking her onto her back.

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