Get Off My Lawn

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Omega Squad: Nightwing. Scarlet.

I was watching the news when the sky exploded. 

Next to the main screen in the Hall, was a live feed of Kristen's room in the med-bay. Otherwise, my mind had been focused on the news in front of me where Cat Grant delivered her usual morning report.

It's been three days since the attack on Metropolis and everyone was getting more restless by the hour. Most of us have received our contingency assignments. At this point, all we needed was a reason to deploy.

I had been staring at Kristen's sleeping figure when Cat Grant's shrill voice ripped into my attention span. The picture of the camera feed was no longer showing a beautiful, clear Metropolis morning, but rather, a nearly blackened sky, full of chaos, falling planes, and worst of all, beta-creatures. The War World was active and threatening to crack open the bay area.

It took a second for the paralysis to wear off.

Slipping open the hologram to my right, I slammed an emergency response button, one Babs had specifically designed for this day.

The main hall and the rest of the underground base were filled with flashing red lights and a loud ass alarm. Members of the Team were stumbling through the hallways, grabbing gear and eating granola bars. We all knew our assignments.

I made it to the med-bay within minutes. Kristen was awake and ripping IV needles from her wrists.

Not to my surprise, she looked hot in a hospital gown and leggings, her bare feet curled against the cold floor. "That's the signal?"

I rolled my eyes, "What, were you expecting something more classy?"

I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her into the hallway. Artemis bumped into us full force. The stitches in my shoulder felt tight.

"I'm heading out," She rushed her words, making it hard to decipher what exactly she was saying. She straightened her orange mask over her face. "Z and Rocket are at the zeta-tubes already. You gonna be ok?"

I gripped Kris' hand next to me. She took a deep breath and nodded, "You know what to do, I'll see you out there."

Artemis gave us a small smile and before sprinting off, wrapped the both of us in a tight embrace.

It didn't feel reassuring.

Once we had made it to the garage, the Hall was pretty much empty with everyone focused on their respective missions. Kristen and I had secured ear pieces into our ears and quite literally jumped into the jet in the loading bay.

I set the plane to autopilot, taking the time to change into gear. Kristen was doing the same, watching live feed of D.C. as we prepped for take off. But we didn't need the video feed for long. The jet shot into the open sky and we were met with several things.

Creatures were reigning down on Washington D.C. like hellfire. It was rather difficult to navigate air space given we were trying to leave D.C. in general. Kristen eyed the War World but didn't comment as she strapped into the passenger pilot's seat. I almost didn't recognize her in a black stealth suit. The gear wasn't her usual red and a mask, which would cover her jaw up to her nose, hung from her chin.

"Are you sure you should be doing this?" I took the controls, setting our destination.

"It's not like I suffered any actual injuries, Dick," She was focused intently on the dashboard. "We both agreed to this, don't back out on me now."

Right, I fixed my grip on the controls.

"Omega to Oracle, we're en route," Kris tapped into the comms link. "Sending you coordinates."

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