Magic Isn't My Thing

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Dick's Pov

Zatanna finished pulling up the appropriate documents for the briefing. The part of the Team summoned had just made it to the mission, but unfortunately, I had been here since the first call. That meant, I had to deal with Bruce's cold shoulder. Ever since the meeting, he's been quite distant. It was beginning to worry me.

"Thank you all for making it here quickly," Zatanna started, breaking the quiet murmur of confusion blanketing the room. "I will be briefing you on the current lead I have, and Batman will hand out assignments."

"After running more analysis tests with Blue, Dr. Fate and I decided to take several trips around the world to look closer at glyphics and magical elements resembling the ritual inscriptions on the pieces of the weapon and the key."

"These places," A holographic version of the Earth flickered in front of us, and three red spots started to blink. "These are some areas where cults have picked up what could be pieces of some sort of religious or magical background concerning Apokolips."

One was in Egypt, another in Bolivia, and another somewhere in Australia. Very spread out, unrelated continents to me, but I didn't say anything. A lead was a lead.

"We aren't really sure how involved these areas are but it took a lot of digging to gather information regarding these groups."

"I want Nightwing, Superboy, Lagoon Boy, Miss Martian and Robin on Alpha. Nightwing, your group will be investigating the Bolivia group," Batman said, his arms behind his back. The way he looked over our group made you wonder if he was staring at you or someone else. "The rest of you, Tigress, Beast Boy, and Kid Flash will be Beta. You guys will be in Egypt."

"Tupiza in Bolivia has a very discrete group," Z had several pictures of the town on the main screen. "Alpha, you'll have to be careful about approach since our intel can only describe the times and dates they meet up."

"Beta, Egypt is another story. The site you'll be investigating is crawling with tourists and archeologists. Get as much as you can and get out," She looked to Batman to see if he had anything else he, nodded and face the group again.

"Dismissed and good luck."


"This is it?" Conner asked as he watched the ground below us get closer. I was watching the map in front of me and the bio-ship landed in camouflage mode. We had spent most of the day traveling, meaning the sun was way past setting already.

A beautiful desert land spread out before us, with the stars shining brightly. M'gann had set us down right behind the plateau closest to the group's cavern area. Even if it was supposed to be hidden, I didn't think that was what these people had in mind tonight. A huge bonfire rose high into the night sky, marking the target for us. The chatter of people sounded faint, but it was definitely there.

I had decided on the conclusion that Darkseid needed the foothold on our planet and the easiest way to do it was to portray him and his sister as gods here. Even if they technically were gods. So no matter what happened in this mission, no matter who was sacrificing themselves for their beliefs tonight, I was going to do my best to stay strictly recon.

Then again, recon was never recon.

A plateau rose up before us, but the bushes were tall enough to hide our group. Thirty feet away sat a ring of people, talking and laughing, enjoying the warmth of the fire. How they could stand it, I had no idea. The flames flickered above them at a dangerous nine feet.

We should be able to cover all our angles, I said into the link. Keep to the shadows and watch carefully.

I really hate stakeouts. Tell that to Batman for me, would you? Conner grumbled. I smirked as he crawled over another five feet, making it almost half way around the circle.

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