Business As Usual

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Dick's Pov

The Team had been spread too thin. Each of us was required to go home to help with those of the League that were on patrol. Some of us who had backup in our home cities stayed back for further missions. In other words, it was only Babs, Kaldur, M'gann, Conner and I.

Like I said, spread very very thin.

And I couldn't stand waiting around. The killer hadn't made an appearance and neither the FBI or the League knows what exactly had happened the night of the fourth. We still had hundreds of people to interview and not a single person was helping.

Albeit, that was bit insensitive considering they had just witnessed a murder, but from the looks of it, I wasn't sure they had really witnessed the murder. Not in real time anyway. The witnesses we have interviewed barely remember what the murder looked like.

What was worse was that the witnesses all confirmed a specific time that matches up with the hospitals' hypothesized time of death. And that could only mean that there were multiple murderers, not just one.

On another note, we still didn't have a body in the Tower. Tim was ready to get his hands on a sample to see if he could put anything together. After all, Bruce couldn't get every detail right. Besides, he hasn't been at the Manor in three days. I was starting to wonder if he was getting sleep at all.

Speaking of Tim, he was holding up in Gotham, but barely. Gotham was huge and more than complicated, and I could only leave the Hall for more than a few hours at the most to help him.

News reporters piled up at our front door with question after question every morning, wondering where the League was. Kaldur was normally our spokesperson but every once and a while, I had to step up and take the brunt of the force. It was hard not answering them, especially since all they needed was reassurance. America was really scared at the moment.

And there wasn't a damn thing we could do.

I paused the interview tape and rubbed my eyes. The woman was basically useless and I've been at this for at least a couple hours. I needed a break. So I stood and left the Mission room and made my way to the kitchen and wreck room.

Sure enough, Conner and Babs were already in there while M'gann flew around the kitchen trying to keep herself busy. "You guys feel as burned out as I do?"

I took a seat on one of the bar stools. The others rubbed their faces and nodded. Conner sighed, "It's like we're in panic mode. And we don't even know what to panic about."

The rest of us were silent. There were a lot of things that we were still in the dark about. M'gann closed the fridge for what had to be the fifth time since I got here.

"Good, you're here. I habe the lab report for the animal samples you guys brough back from Seatle," Babs said, pulling up a holographic screen and typing in a few commands. "I sent it to you."

"What's the verdict?" I asked, taking a seat on one of the bar stools.

"What if this is what Luthor was talking about?" She said, crossing her arms and sitting on the counter across from the kitchen's island. Conner sat up, interested.

"What do you mean? From the mission?" M'gann nodded.

"He said that the world wouldn't have to worry about him anymore," I recalled the words Lex had spilled to us a few weeks ago. It was a fuzzy memory, but I managed. He had carried himself like he had been victorious.

"So? How could the Eclipse pull off a mass murder like this?" Barb said after shaking her head. She did have a point. "The factors don't match up. The victims don't even match up."

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