A Worse Fate

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Kris's Pov

Thank god the day was over. I had just spent my entire afternoon training my new team. I really hated that term but I was positive that using the term subjects, or soldiers was worse. So team, it was.

I sighed, sinking into the couch, letting my exhausted muscles relax. There was a protein shake sitting on the coffee table three feet in front of me, but I had all of a sudden lost all the energy to try and reach for it.

It's been an interesting few weeks. The new kids were absolutely amazing and really really powerful. Amanda, her arm had been programmed to turn into an array of weapons. Yes, she was a cyborg and I found myself geeking out every time she moved.

Ben was more of a shapeshifter. He was a little reckless, but that could always be changed. He had the most control over his power. Ben was a special case; he could..manipulate his atomic makeup. So if he wanted to be invincible, or even just super strong he could make his skin diamond or iron.

Zach could probably take my place if I was moved higher up or farther down. He was a natural born leader and crazy ingenious. He could figure out a solution to the mission before we even had the chance to listen to the whole briefing. His power? Not as impressive as the others, but basically he was only handy with a blade. I still had faith in him.

Carmen was a different story altogether. Out of the four of them, she was the only one I couldn't crack. She was willing to work in order to complete a mission, but at the expense of her teammates. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but S had specifically requested that all four of them were alive once we were ready for the next phase. Which meant Carmen needed to figure out how she wanted to contribute to the group.

As far as her power, well, let's just say it felt really familiar. She could bend water to her will. It didn't sound like much but according to my briefing with S, she was working on bending blood. And that was crazy awesome.

I groaned and forced my body to sit up. It was barely light out since the sun was setting finally in this July weather. The air conditioner was working on full blast so I knew that the cooling bill this month would be hell. I grabbed the cup and gulped down a few ounces before reaching for the remote. For someone who goes to space for work every day, I sure do watch a lot of t.v..


I jumped. And I mean I literally jumped, there was shake all over my shirt. I turned to yell at whoever had just scared me like that but I couldn't.

The cup fell out of my hand and shattered all across the floor. "What are you doing here?"

My body kicked into motion and I began to rush around the room, closing blinds and curtains. For all I knew, S and the others could be watching me right now. It sounded like something S would do and the last thing I needed was for my loyalty and my job on the War World to be questioned.

He shouldn't be here. I was pretty sure I was happy to see him, but he definitely shouldn't be here. I was beginning to panic but not only because of S. There could only be one thing he could be here for. It hurt, but it was true. He was here to talk about my previous mission.

"I really don't think you should be the one asking questions," He growled. I winced at his tone of voice. So he was angry, that was for sure.

His hands were stuffed into his jacket pockets. He hadn't looked at me yet and I wondered how long he had been standing there. I stepped forward with my hand stretched out but he shrunk away from me. From behind his beautiful hair, he stared at me. It was the way that he stared at me that was haunting.

"Dick, I told you. I told you I was going to be fighting, it's a good cause," I was reasoning with him even though it was a waste of my breath.

"Don't try, Kris. It's not worth it. We can't keep ignoring our reality in this place," He said, quieter this time, more defeated. It broke my heart.

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