Epilogue: 5 Years Seems Like A Lifetime

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After two months of deliberation, Kristen officially resigned from the Team. It seemed that two back to back funerals gave her the clarity she needed to move on.

She needed to go back to school, she needed to live, and she needed to do so as Kristen.

It was clear that having Scarlet back on the Team would not sit well for long. But the Team grew, picked itself back up as that group of kids always did, under the new leadership of Red Robin and Astra.

But now it's been over five years since the second Apokolips attack on Earth. Five years since Kristen Heath burned her suits. Five years since she broke off her ties with the Justice League, the Team and most of all, Dick Grayson.

Five years is quite a bit of time. In that time, she found out about new League members, such as Miss Martian, Superboy, and a certain Aqualad turned Aquaman. It didn't take long for more problems to arise from the ashes of the Eclipse either. That group of villians had wrecked almost a decade worth of chaos and violence on Earth and there was bound to be an echo.

Kristen likes to think that her ties were never really broken. After all, it was a part of her life that she could never forget. So she kept training, kept in shape. Even though she couldn't ever talk about that part of her life, it would always be there for her to remember. And even though she hung up the suit, she wasn't willing to forget her family.

So, on the night of her twenty-seventh birthday, Kristen Heath was finishing up her day at work and was going to get ready to go out with a few of her very close friends. It was a miracle what five years could do to someone's life.

These girls had met during transfers when Kristen was finishing school. They had been on the same career path, journalism. It seems like a cliche for a former hero, but what other way was there for Kristen to keep an eye on the real super heroes. 

She was meeting up with Cassidy and Lydia, who had both been hired in a separate department of the Metropolis Daily Planet a few floors below Kristen's.

The tvs at the center of the room were still blaring the news cycle. Someone had just covered an interesting story from Gotham City. It seems that Batgirl had finally returned to the streets after what seemed like 7 years of silence. Kristen could've recognized that red hair anywhere and she would be lying if the appearance didn't peak her curiosity, but she let the story go. She had an assignment of her own to focus on.

An unruly group a meta-humans calling themselves the Hive? How could she pass it up?

"Kristen?" She looked up from her cubicle to find Lois standing in her office doorway. "What are you still doing here, isn't it your birthday?"

"Sure is, just finishing something up for tomorrow's meeting," She replied. Kristen grabbed her bag and her binder. "Goodnight, Lois. Goodnight, Clark."

Across the office, Clark popped up from the printer and waved. Kris hadn't really said goodnight very loud, but she knew he would hear her. How Kristen knew this, Lois had no idea. But she wasn't going to question the birthday girl. And she had a sneaking suspicion that had been growing for the past few months anyway.

Lois merely waved from her office door and laughed to herself. Kristen keyed out of the office and made her way to the elevator.

As expected, Cassidy and Lydia were in the lobby waiting for her. "Jeez, birthday girl, took you long enough."

"Way to be patient, Cass," Kris responded. She linked her arm with her two best friends' arms and the three exited the Daily Planet.

"We're going to have so much fun tonight," Cass squeaked. She was sitting in the back seat, fixing up her makeup with a hand mirror.

"I hope not too much fun, I have a major meeting for the board tomorrow," Lydia replied. She shut off her phone and looked out the window, before turning back to me. "Happy birthday, Kristen."

"Thanks," She replied with a smile. Cass leaned in between our seats.

"We need to get you a guy," She said.

"I'm getting too old to get a guy, Cass," Kristen laughed at the pure excitement on her face.

"She means she needs a man, not a guy," Lydia finished the thought. "And she's also very right. We can't just 'get guys'. Besides, we're here to celebrate Kristen. Let's just make it a girls night."

"You know what? You're right," Cass nodded and gave Kristen a kiss on the cheek. "Happy birthday, girl."

Kristen finally found a parking spot. Lydia had been scouting this bar on the outskirts of Gotham for a few weeks now. She was way too excited to introduce the girls to the bartender. Apparently, this was the bartender that Lyds had been scoring free drinks from last week.

It's been a few years since Kris had been on this side of Gotham, or Gotham in general. But moving from National City to Metropolis didn't give her much room to explore. Or the desire to anyways. The familiar sounds and lights of the city forced a shudder down her spine. She had nearly forgotten what Gotham felt like, and it felt like home.

Kristen merely shoved the thought away and followed her friends into the bar.

The pounding music and warm smell of the room welcomed Kristen. A smile broke onto her face as the three girls took their seats. The memories threatening to arise to the back of her mind remained buried. Kristen rose her hand to order from the bartender.

After a few cocktails, Cassidy found her way to the stage, volunteering to do karaoke. She grabbed the mike and waved at Lydia and Kristen.

"Today is a very special day," She started, after she had whispered her requested song to the hostess. "Today is my best friend's birthday. Everyone say happy birthday to Kristen Heath! Come on up, Kristen."

The crowd started to cheer and Cassidy beckoned for Kristen to join her on stage. Laughing and trying to cover her face in embarrassment, Kristen offered up Lydia instead. Lydia paused with a questioning glance, but Kristen merely nodded with reassurance. Today had already been perfect. Watching Cass and Lydia sing karaoke would definitely top it off.

The two girls jumped into a duet of Destiny's Child. Kristen laughed, ignoring the person that had sat in Lyds bar stool next to her. She might not have been the hero type anymore, but she still couldn't miss the familiar chill that ran up her arm at the sudden presence.

"Great friends you got," The man said. His voice was deep and beautiful. It reminded her of a voice she found beautiful a long time ago. "Seriously. Great way to celebrate a friend."

"Thanks?" Kristen couldn't actually decide if he was being sarcastic or not. So she broke her cool and turned to look at him.

But that was just the problem. She shouldn't have looked.

A very distant memory of a very different, much younger Kristen began to resurface. What seemed like another lifetime that had been buried under days of tears rendered Kristen absolutely speechless. She glanced back at her friends, just to make sure she wasn't dreaming or hallucinating.

She wasn't.

"Hi, my name's Kristen," She stuck out her hand, causing the man to turn and face her. His eyes twinkled, brushed with the raven hair that hung over his forehead. She could see the gun that hung at his hip and the glint of a detective's badge.

"Happy birthday, Kristen," He replied. The two smiled. Nostalgia, happiness, love and everything in between sparking as he took her hand. "My name's Dick Grayson. Nice to meet you."

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