Just Like Old Times

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Dick's POV

"Hey, can you chill out with the needles, please," I swatted at Artemis who was still taking her million tests. "It's almost been a week, I'm fine."

I was not fine.

Whatever Kristen did to me...actually I don't know what she did to me.

"You're not fine," Artemis scolded me. I turned to Tim who was typing away at the computer across the med-bay.

"You're far far away from fine, Dick," He called out without bothering to look back at me. I groaned. "You're still low on iron, your body isn't producing enough blood cells for recovery and your muscle mass is still at a four percent deficit. You cannot get back up to speed until you can physically be in the shape you were."

Well. He didn't need to make it seem that bad. Granted, I was a couple pounds lighter and my muscle capacity wasn't where it used to be, but four percent was better than the seven percent it was 6 days ago.

Whatever it was, Kristen didn't do a complete job. It had to have been a spell, because I was able to gain back a lot of muscle and iron levels rather quickly. Fast enough to make the affects of her touch seem temporary. 

"I can't stand being holed up like this, not when the Team is out there still fighting the Eclipse blind."

I sat up and rubbed my arm from where Artemis had stuck me several times with several needles. "And now that Kaldur and Lagon are officially on leave?"

"You feel cornered," Artemis completed my thought. Her Tigress suit reaked of smoke from the mission she had returned from a couple hours ago. Rogue metahumans?

Don't even get me started on our new worries.

"Do you guys have an update for me at the least?"

Tim tossed me a holographic screen from where he was sitting. Several reports lined the tab as I began to scan the logs from the last week. Rogue metahumans, check. Unknown source of Lex's microchips, check. No readings of the League on the War World, triple check. 

"Seems like nothing has changed."

"It's only been a week, Dick," Conner stepped into the room and the sliding doors clicked to a close behind him. "The Eclipse moves on a different timeline. Dinah just sent out M'gann and a squad to do recon at a Biyalian policy dinner banquet. Lex was last reported to be making his official appearance in a country with no extradition.

"Typical," I growled. "It is seriously magic the way that man avoids jail."

After his little party with the U.N., the League has been feeding information out to make sure U.S. officials keep an eye out for him. But the longer he stayed out of the FBI's hands, the harder it was to maintain his criminal record.

"We're doing all that we can," Artemis closed my health file and turned to me, leaning against the wall on the side of my cot.

"Trust us, Dick," Conner crossed his arms as he looked over to see Tim close the tab screen in front of us.

Tim stood and crossed over to my cot. "If it makes you feel better, I'll be doing my usual route tonight and I'll let you come with me."

I raised my eyebrows. Even Artemis could tell that was bold, she glanced between me and Tim back and forth.

It didn't take long for the group of us to burst out laughing. "You'll let me? You'll let me, wow, so generous of you, Tim, thank you."


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