Failed Reconnaissance

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Dick's POV

"And now we bring you, live, to the opening conference of PRC Inc., the new research facility introducing bio-tech to the world of health care."

Somewhere the voice of Cat Grant was annoying the crap out of me. 

How are we doing folks?

I looked up to see a bird call from overhead. It was far enough that you couldn't see its green feathers, but close enough to keep its eye on the scene.

The police had closed off the entire block for this opening conference. Up until now, we still had no idea who would be cutting the red ribbon at the end of the night. It could be Lex, it could be Klarion, it could be Santa. But all we could do was stay alert.

News vans and paparazzi lined the side walk as Metropolis finest, Gotham's wealthiest and international riches walked into the lobby of PRC's new research building. The glass doors at the entrance were stunning, lining the entire first floor of the building. Out in the street, dozens of limos were parking and moving as guests, CEOs, generals, bureau agents, and political figures arrived on the scene. Thanks to Alfred's handy Wayne Tech work and Oliver Queen's stealth operative gear, Alpha squad had no problem securing their clearance badges for the security at the door.

Was it a coincidence we were on the guest list? I think not.

Garfield, please, no unnecessary chatter in the link. M'gann and Conner were a couple people behind me. I glanced at Artemis, who had a light hand on my arm, and Malcolm, who had already gotten inside on his own, ahead of us. You need to focus.

Noted. Just missing all the action. 

Alpha squad was small with just the five of us. But with the handy dandy alien couple, we would be able to cover enough ground. Luckily, Beta and Gamma would be able to give us back-up support if need be.

Beta is clear in the air, Tim reported. I have eyes on everything.

Back entrance is covered here. That was Steph who was assigned to be working alone in the alley a block over. I didn't get a chance to talk to her after the briefing. But I assume that a stern conversation is waiting for me when this is over.

Ground team is a go. Gamma squad composed of Virgil, Bart and Jaime. Let's just hope we wouldn't need them tonight.

If you didn't notice, we were way too spread thin, too thin for my liking. But with Babs stuck in D.C. and three of our power houses on leave?

Let's just say we had no other choice.

Artemis and I crossed over to the refreshments table and we didn't hesitate to grab ourselves a glass of champagne. "It's been a while."

"Tell me about it," I sighed in response. I was nearly sweating and I reached for a napkin to wipe my forehead. Kelvar, stealth gear, a dress shirt, and a jacket? These layers were suffocating.

Artemis glanced around the room, "Don't tell me that the great Dick Grayson is scared of a little publicity?"

I elbowed her lightly in the ribs. "Well, you'll feel uncomfortable too once people recognize me."

Being Bruce's playboy ward had its perks, but it's been many years since I last was his rep for Wayne Tech. And it was on my long list of pet peeves, getting jumped on at dinner parties.

We're good on the second floor balcony. I looked up to see Conner and M'gann scanning the full crowd from above. Mal was closer to the small makeshift stage that was some feet ahead of Art and I.

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