Missing In Action

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Dick's Pov

It was her birthday today. I hated the fact that Bruce was standing right in front of me, briefing the Team on the next mission, and I was still here thinking about how I was missing her birthday again.

Artemis nudged me. She knew that it would take a little while for me to get my head out of the clouds. I told her today was going to be rough, but all she did was tell me to stop acting as if the girl was dead.

Now, I was pretty sure she was just getting frustrated with me.

"I want Alpha to split and check both Lex Corp offices," I had completely blanked out the past few minutes, so I wasn't sure if I was on Alpha squad or Beta squad.

"Tigress, Lagoon Boy, Miss M, Beast Boy, Astra, Nightwing, you'll be Beta. PRC is at the very top of our suspect list after the companies release of their micro tech. Their headquarters is based in Seattle, Washington," Bruce nodded us off. Quickly, I tried catching myself up on what was going on, as we all filed out to the hangar.

Lex Luthor has been missing for two weeks. On the other hand, the League, after experiencing my little screw-up, was having some issues with being in the dark about things. Luthor's whereabouts being one of them? Let's just say that it didn't sit well.

We weren't too happy that there wasn't a lead for the Team to work with either. Lex's company had just released a micro chip that would be surgically planted for a long list of psychological benefits. As of now, we don't even have thay list. Frustrating to say the least.

The new girl, she had finally made it into a mission, and it unnerved me that she was sticking with my squad. Her alias was Astra but her real name was Stephanie. Bruce had me do several background checks and no matter how many times I've proved to myself that she was a perfect addition to the Team, I couldn't wrap my mind around it.

She didn't have any powers and in fact, she had one of the cleanest record I've seen in a long while. She had several belts in several fighting branches and had a beautiful spiral kick. And that was just the beginning. Stephanie was a flower just waiting to bloom, and with the right training, she could do something great.

But her presence, in general, was just off.

Or it could be just me.

Alpha zeta-ed to their rendezvous points, but Beta was assigned to the bio-ship. Artemis had made it to the bridge first, so she was piloting us all the way out to Seattle. We piled onto the bridge and settled in for the ride. Little did I know it would be an awkward one.

"We're thirty minutes out," Artemis said, basically jerking me out of my half asleep state. The others were doing the same and a few stood to wake up their limbs.

I stood and my seat in the middle of the bridge sunk down to the floor. Walking over to Art, I passed Stephanie as she stared out the window. It was her first big mission and I could tell she was nervous by the way she kept inhaling through her nose and exhaling through her mouth. She looked like she was ready to be sick.

Apparently, my staring had been evident, since Artemis gave me a strange look when I reached her side. "I want to punch you really bad right now."

"I believe it," I said, trying to suppress a smirk. I knew that smiling would only force her to forget the ship and focus on murdering me. So I just changed the subject. "This is big, Art. Really big. Something is about to happen, and I know for a fact that I won't like it."

"None of us will," She mumbled. She cracked her knuckles and stared straight ahead.

Flying over the city of Seattle was somewhat relieving, though. This was the first time in a very long time where the Team was being useful. We find Luthor, we could find the Eclipse. Besides, I was pretty sure that this PRC Headquarters was going to be a huge help.

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