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King Barrett - Millions of thoughts ran through your mind as to what you would do now you and Wade were having a baby. How much time would you take off work? Who would babysit when you were both half way around the world? You could never feel excited because your career was over, what you had worked for since you left school would disappear because you had a new responsibility now and your life had fizzled out into nothing. You never got to be a success because the only thing you could ever be successful at now was motherhood, something you never quite wanted just yet.

Seth Rollins - "Mum! It's positive." You cried out with happiness, squeezing your mum tight. You couldn't help but cry at the thought of having your own little miracle. You and Seth had thought about it for a long time, but now it was happening and you were beyond excited. You and him shared the dream of children since you met fifteen years ago. "Mum, you're gonna be a grandma." You told her, as you wiped the few tears away off of her cheek.

"I'm home!" You heard Seth shout. Your mum quickly took the test away from you and into her bag, as you read it one final time to check. Positive, it read.

Roman Reigns - You remembered the dream you had last night, you were sat in your bedroom, pyjamas on, waiting for the test to tell you if you were pregnant or not. You laughed at how crazy it was that you were in that same position the following afternoon. The pain in your stomach was a bit too consistent for it to just be a cramp. You could picture what your child would look like, Samoan just like their Dad. The alarm beeped on your phone, as you took a deep breath. You turned it over, placing your glasses on the tip of your nose. You gasped in happiness as you saw that the test told you that you were in fact expecting.

Dean Ambrose - You and Dean had never quite settled, you weren't the most stable couple ever, so the thought of a little baby growing inside of you, terrified you. Your home wasn't an environment for a baby to live in, there was constant arguments and shouting matches back and forth. Things had to change pronto, and you knew it. You knew Dean wouldn't exactly be over the moon to know he was having a child, but it was his own fault. You didn't know how to tell him, you didn't know if you'd tell him. You couldn't live your life this way, now it was all or nothing.

Ryback - Sitting your niece on his lap, you watched Ryback and how amazing he was with her. You placed a hand on your stomach, smiling at the thought of your niece being your child in eight months time. You thought back to seeing the words positive on the test yesterday, and how excited you were. Ryback had told you very early on he wanted a whole football team of kids, and he wanted them with you. He smiled over at you, bouncing her on his lap. All you could do was smile back, because you knew, and he didn't.

Sami Zayn - You opened up your diary to your favourite page, February 7th 2002. You ran your finger across the page. Me and Y/N will have a kid one day. People always doubted you, that you'd never last, or Sami would become too big headed to date you. But that never happened, and now here you were, 2 weeks into the pregnancy you both dreamed of as of February 7th 2002. You both bided your time to earn enough money and provide your baby with the best possible home.

Finn Balor - Walking through the park you could see all the children on the swings and the slide with their doting parents. You had placed your pregnancy test in your handbag as a little reminder that it was in fact all true. You both knew you didn't have the most active sex life and much preferred a cuddle and a movie, so your pregnancy was a complete surprise. Neither of you would ever be upset about having a child, you had discussed it sometimes so you had everything planned out. You knew Finn would love to show his child all his Lego, and break it and rebuild it whether it was a boy or a girl.

Sheamus - You couldn't help but quickly imagine how supportive Sheamus would be during the labour and how amazing it would be to spend time with your husband and your mum as you shared such a tender moment with them all.

Tyson Kidd - "Tyson, can I tell you something?" Tyson's head looked up from his phone to where you stood in the doorway. You took a deep breath walking in and sitting on the bed, grabbing his hand. "Well, the thing is...I umm...well...it's just..." You couldn't bring yourself to say those two words, which sounded so easy before you truly thought them through. "I love you." You blurted out, too afraid to tell him just yet that you were pregnant. Tyson put his phone down, pulling you into his side. You tried to snuggle too, but couldn't help but face palm yourself at how stupid you were.

Neville - You and your best friend were sat in her bathroom, your hand shaking at the thought of the unexpected. "And obviously you'll be godmother if I'm pregnant." You told her, there was no one else you'd even consider apart from her. The 5 minutes felt like the longest five minutes of your life, as the alarm finally went off. You told your best friend to look first. She showed no emotion as she read what it said. She slowly turned it around to show you, "positive!" You both screamed, jumping up and down in delight. Now all you had to do was tell Neville.

Randy Orton - Randy's daughter had always begged him for a brother or sister, but you'd never really spoke about it. It wasn't something that happened overnight like she thought, and with your history, you were concerned with the problems that may occur. You couldn't believe just one test, you took six in all, just to be sure. It all seemed surreal to you, but you were more excited to let Randy and his daughter know the amazing news, that your family would now be complete.

Brock Lesnar - You already had three kids, so the fourth didn't really occur as much of a surprise. You knew the process, and you knew how Brock would react. You knew it wouldn't be quite as exciting as your first, but the delight in finding out would still be the same. The unknown was exciting, if it would be a boy or girl? Like you or like Brock? You still asked the same questions, even though you knew they wouldn't be answered until 36 weeks time.

Dolph Ziggler - Dolph was always the best with children, it was as if he had a whole family of his own. You knew from day one he was going to father your children, and that they'd have the best dad ever, something you didn't get. When you saw that you were pregnant, your first thought was how lucky your child was going to be that Dolph was their Dad. He was like a big kid himself, so you knew he'd always know what to do, and when you struggled or felt unwell he'd always be the one to rely on and go to for help and support.

Jey Uso - You'd never felt so guilty, and horrible for Jey. The test made you the happiest girl alive, but then the realisation hit. Jey may not be the father, but you could never bring yourself to tell him that. Your stupid mistake had come back to haunt you big time. You never thought that it would have these consequences even though you couldn't quite say yet who was the father. You could never hurt Jey, so there was only ever going to be one outcome, Jey was the father, and your conscience would just have to leave you alone. Or so you hoped.

Jimmy Uso - You had planned a child for months now, you both would use a test every single morning to see if it had happened yet. But nothing. Jimmy had left for work early in the morning, so you took a test and saw that it was positive. You thought you'd surprise him properly by telling him the test was negative and surprising him in a few weeks time with everyone else. You knew he wouldn't be impressed but you knew he'd enjoy the surprise in a couple of months time.

John Cena - The first thought that came into your head was loneliness. You knew John would still have to work and earn an income for your family. You didn't want to be by yourself whilst pregnant, especially being so far away from your family. You knew John had his family but you weren't very close. As much as he would like to be by your side, he knew his career had to come first until you were screaming down the hospital walls. You tried desperately to understand him, but it was impossible. You were going to be alone and pregnant, and you just didn't know if you wanted to do it.

Kane - You had complained to Naomi earlier in the day that your stomach hurt, and she asked you if there was a possibility of a baby. You tried to push it to the back of your mind, but you couldn't, and Nattie ended up buying you a test. You took it with all the girls by your side supporting you as you waited. You asked Brie to read it our so you didn't see it first. "Y/N, its positive." The girls all jumped up congratulating you, as your twenty five year dream had finally come true, and it was with your best friend.

Xavier Woods - You and Xavier were amazingly close, as well were your families, so you knew that you'd be in safe hands during the pregnancy. The families would all be there for you, holding your hand and encouraging you through the pain. You couldn't wait to tell them all, as the sooner the better you thought. No matter how excited you were, you wanted to make the announcement special and memorable for everyone as they found out about the new edition to your family.

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