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King Barrett - Whenever you looked into the mirror your stretch marks immediately stood out to you. You hated how you had purple marks all over your belly but Wade kept reminding you that it was all natural. He'd always kiss your stomach and tell you how beautiful they were and how it was another hurdle you had overcome during your pregnancy. He hated the fact you hid them from everyone because they were a part of your identity now and he had fallen in love with them. The marks made you feel fat, but to Wade they were your lines of beauty.

Seth Rollins - You hated waking up every morning with your sweaty face from where you were heating up every night. Seth adored how insecure you were about your sweat on your forehead every morning, but to you it was so unattractive. He loved that it was the baby making a mark on you to wake you up every morning. Seth always tried to make sure he could be just like you to make sure you weren't so self-conscious about it, but he failed miserably because he didn't have awful hormones like you. Seth made you feel perfect all over again every day.

Roman Reigns - Your insecurity was not being able to be a good enough mother, always being compared to JoJo's mum and how amazing she was. Roman always told you that it never mattered, but you hated the thought of not being the best mother you could be. JoJo was almost a trial for you, but this time it was the real thing. As everyday went by your nerves continued to grow. You couldn't be strong for much longer because you were petrified and no one understood you or your situation however much Roman tried. He wanted to care for you, he loved you after all.

Dean Ambrose - Although it wasn't physical you were insecure about being a single mum. Being the mum who dropped her child off at school everyday without their father. Being the only parent I'm their painting from school. It was a daunting prospect and one you hated, but you realised that maybe it was the best way, and the only way you were going to live your life. Everyday when the door went you hoped it would be help for you, but until Dean could step up, you had to push your insecurities to one side to be able to provide for your child.

Ryback - The scale. Everyday the number written on the scale would increase, as your body got wider. You kept trying to reassure yourself that it was the baby, but it still made you shudder at the thought of gaining weight. Ryback constantly comforted you telling you how you still weren't as big as him, and you could only call yourself big when you reached his weight. Whatever he needed to do to make you feel comfortable in your own skin he would do, you were the mother of his child and he wanted to make sure that you were alright every second of the day.

Sami Zayn - Your hormones made you incredibly nasty at times, and you were insecure about your temper and your outbursts. You were normally such a shy person, so even when you shouted it came as quite a shock. Sami always calmed you down knowing it was the baby and you never meant the words you said, but you felt so guilty and awful for snapping at him with no reason. You hated how the hormones made you feel, and how it turned you into a different person, someone you didn't want to be.

Finn Balor - Finn was writing lists everyday and hiding them around the house to remind you to never feel insecure. They worked surprisingly as every day anything you felt horrible about the day before your worries were banished the following day by Finn's adorable letter he left for you before work. You knew it was a benefit for you as it made you feel much more positive which Finn had read was good for the baby. He wanted to try anything that worked and his notes definitely did. It was nice to look at yourself and feel good about the changes your body had gone through.

Sheamus - You were insecure about loneliness. Being away from home was awful, especially when the one person you were living with was never really home. It was incredibly difficult for you to not want to give up, but you had to try and be story even when your emotions got the best of you. Sheamus wanted to be with you so bad, but making a living for your future was his priority. He was organised he didn't want to live on impulse, and wanted to plan for the future so that you could live a happy life.

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