The Time Comes

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King Barrett - You were on a pit stop trip to England to visit his family one last time before the baby came. The two of you and his parents had gone out for a lovely walk in Preston looking at all the shops when your stomach started to ache as you bent down to pick something up. "Are you alright darling?" You nodded brushing the pain off as your baby moving around. You carried on walking for a little while longer but the pain came back again. You grabbed Wade's hand steadying yourself and he looked back wrapping an arm around your waist, only this time the pain wasn't going away.

"Wade, I think the baby is coming." He quickly called his dad to get the car so you could get to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Seth Rollins - The two of you were having a lazy home day spending some time together after Seth had come back off tour, the baby wasn't due for another two weeks so Seth wanted to spoil you one last time. You were laying on your side on the double bed, Seth massaging your tummy, rubbing circles just above your hips. Whilst it felt nice, something wasn't quite right as if your body was screaming for you to go to the toilet. You didn't quite know what to do, until Seth rubbed just to close to your belly button and slowly you felt a trickle run down your leg. As it reached your ankle the colour was a rather odd red shade. You whimpered out, "Seth," he looked at you, as you nodded your head to the bottom of your leg, "help."

Roman Reigns - In the end the midwifes had to induce you as you were two weeks overdue and your little girl could not stay in there any longer. Roman was on hand in case this needed to happen, taking two weeks off the road. Jojo also wanted to come with you, but you didn't want her to see you like that. Roman grabbed your hand as the midwife went through the procedure with you telling you exactly what was going to happen and how long it would take. Your body was so tired from carrying your daughter around you couldn't wait for her to arrive now. "I'm so excited," Roman whispered in your ear as you went into another room. You nodded and smiled, too tired to even open your mouth and respond.

Dean Ambrose - You couldn't put it off any longer so on the day before you were due you went out to the shop to quickly pick up Roman's Christmas present. Despite doctors ordering you that you stay at home you objected and went out anyway. You were making your way back to your car when a sharp pain rushed through you making you double over. You just about managed to grab hold of the car door handle for balance, dropping Roman's present in order to grab your phone. You fumbled around in your pocket eventually finding it, immediately dialling Roman's number for help. He didn't pick up the first time, but there was no way you were ringing Dean so you carried on dialling Roman. After five rings he finally picked up, "Roman I'm at Walmart, I need your help. Now!"

Ryback - You were visiting his mum to have one of her notorious roast dinners with the rest of his family. The evening was just like any other, many laughs and jokes and a good time had by everyone. That was until your stomach began to ache midway through the meal. Ryback had instantly noticed that you weren't alright but you reassured him that it was nothing. The pain went away and you carried on laughing with everyone until only ten minutes later they came back again, just a lot more painful. This time Ryback wasn't going to ignore it, and scooped you up and took you to the car. He drove you to the hospital, no arguments, ringing his mum to apologise for your quick departure. Once there a midwife soon saw you informing you were in fact going into labour, panic spreading across both your faces.

Sami Zayn - The company invited you back on the road for a few days to meet up with everyone, travelling around Florida where you were based. It was such an amazing time, and you had just arrived at the last stop in Miami for Raw. The baby was kicking a lot more forcefully today causing quite a lot of disruption for you. Sami was far too busy preparing for the night to even notice your discomfort, but you didn't mind. The pain was becoming gradually worse throughout the day, causing you to stop and catch your breath a few times, everyone tentatively asking if you were alright. You knew something wasn't quite right, then as you walked down to catering you heard something drop onto the floor. You looked down seeing a small puddle of blood on the floor. "Oh! Not now." Luckily, Alicia was just passing you, she noticed your distress and ran off to find Sami. It wasn't long until he was right there with you helping you to the car, your face bright red with embarrassment.

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