Baby Shower

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King Barrett - Your parents were also keen to organise your baby shower as well as the gender reveal party and made it a right royal affair after you decided to name your daughter Elizabeth. Your mum had arranged caterers to come and decided that everyone shall have afternoon tea, something all the girls loved. You even had your own little crown to show you with the Queen of the evening. You honestly could not thank your mum for everything she had done for you and knowing that the time was coming soon, you knew you were in safe hands.

Seth Rollins - You had a very vintage baby shower which Nattie had arranged for you as vintage was her thing. She had turned your house into a beautiful vintage scene like the movies. All your guests had bought you vintage items for you and the baby including some beautiful floral baby grows in the hope you were having a girl. It was a shame not everyone could come due to work commitments but the time and effort Nattie had put into it was incredibly overwhelming and heart warming, but that might have just been your crazy hormones.

Roman Reigns - There was lots of items with the letter L on to celebrate your new daughter Lolo. Jojo was an excitable mess with all the people around questioning her if she was excited for her new baby sister. So many people had bought you gifts including some beautiful fairly lights from Nia that spelt out Lolo. Of course being a Samoan baby shower there were a few traditions that you followed that Roman's mum had taught you about. I didn't feel right not to continue these, especially to start showing Jojo about her heritage and the background she had come from.

Dean Ambrose - A few of the girls had surprised you with a baby shower, even though you said you didn't want one. Sadly, your pregnancy didn't feel like much of a cause for celebration but the girls being your friends couldn't let you get away without a little gathering before you became a mother. Admittedly you had a lovely time with the girls but any sort of conversation or event about the baby just made you think of Dean and the daunting prospect of very soon becoming a single mother.

Ryback - Ryback's mum had bought balloons that spelt out the names Poppy and Peter for the baby shower as she invited practically anyone you had ever met. More and more girls were showing up, most you could never even remember meeting but they were all coming with gifts so it didn't matter too much as they were spoiling your babies. Ryback kept texting you now and then to make sure nothing had happened to you, that was until your mother confiscated your phone and accused you of being antisocial but you were struggling to approach people who's name you couldn't even recall.

Sami Zayn - Your mum and Sami's mum had recreated their baby showers into a combination to create yours. You thought it was quite sweet, but you could tell some people thought it was a bit strange. His mother had a beautiful baby blue theme and your mum had a garden party to celebrate you, so they created a gorgeous summer picnic outside in a baby blue tent. The set up was better then you could've imagined, and far more creative then anything you could have come up with. It meant the world to the both of you that your mothers wanted to be so involved.

Finn Balor - Niamh's baby shower was a global explosion with a massive banquet of cuisines from all the continents. Of course you weren't able to arrange the whole thing so Finn did a lot of work but you made sure he disappeared when the baby shower came so you could spend some much needed quality time with the women in your life before all your time was going to spent with Niamh. It was safe to say everyone was in awe with the celebration, especially the amazing food Finn had ordered for the baby shower, just to make sure it was perfect.

Sheamus - Following on from the nursery, your baby shower was any football fans dream. Everyone had dressed up in different kits, and Sheamus and a few of the other wrestlers had prepared some great football games for you all to play. To say the day was successful was an understatement, and all the boys were very jealous of all the football related things you were doing. Although hardly any of you had any sort of football knowledge you all had a great time laughing at each other trying to play the game and doing great impressions of the boys playing football.

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