You Discuss Having A Baby

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King Barrett - You were walking hand in hand through Central Park admiring the beautiful views. You sat down on one of the benches, as the two of you watched the world go by. A small family were sat across from you, the mother sitting her new born on her lap. "They look so cute." You commented, making Wade look up to over where you were looking. "Do you ever think about how we'd be like in the future?"

"Well I can definitely picture her being you in a few months time." You silently pictured yourself with your own little baby which was due soon. You placed a hand on your bump which wasn't showing just yet luckily. "That's if you want kids." You rushed to clarify that you wanted children.

"Of course I do." You told him, kissing his cheek, as the little baby smiled over at you. You smiled back, causing Wade to wrap his arm around your waist. His hand brushed your stomach making you shiver.

"Are you alright?"

Seth Rollins - You were sat around your mum's having a family dinner, when you brother arrived with his wife and two year old daughter. "Lily." You squealed as she crawled over to you, hugging your leg. You picked her up, brushing her hair out of her face. Seth walked over to the two of you, hugging you both, and kissing the tops of your heads. "Isn't she just the most perfect child Seth." You whispered to him, although she was only two she was one smart kid, and you didn't want to make her ego too big just yet.

"Our kids will be better though." He told you, tickling Lily. You looked at him bewildered. "We are having a family aren't we?"

"Yeah one day." You replied knowing that day was sooner then he would hope for. It was nice for you to spend time with a young child and prepare yourselves for what was to come. Your mum already knew, so throughout the night she was guiding you on what to do with Lily for when you gave birth.

Roman Reigns - You weren't really paying attention to want was on the telly, as you laid in bed, next to Roman, your book holding your full attention. You looked up to see a documentary on parents in modern society, and to your left, Roman was gripped. "Why are you watching this?" You asked, a million thought going through your mind, that somehow he knew you were expecting.

"The remote is too far away. Plus I think it's nice that maybe I learn a few things so in a couple of years we know exactly what to do." A couple of years? You thought. How about eight months you secretly wanted to scream. "Look how adorable that father is with his son." Roman cooed, as you couldn't help but picture Roman and your child the exact same way. You reflected back to your dream last night, and how they'd be the exact same person, just like the man and son you were watching.

"Well make sure you take note." You teased, lightly kissing him, before turning your focus back to your book.

Dean Ambrose - You and Dean had argued in the afternoon about going to visit your friend and babysitting for them so they could go on a date night. Dean was oblivious to what you were saying, and was desperate for you to change your mind. He ended up joining you begrudgingly. You could tell he wasn't having any fun and that he wasn't enjoying it. "Dean, just give her a cuddle or something." You pleaded with him constantly throughout the night. He didn't care and was happy to just sit and play on his phone all night. "Is this really how it's gonna be? You're really that uninterested in these beautiful children?" All he did was look at you, before going to the fridge and finding a drink of alcohol. "No! You're not drinking in here, if you're really so heartless and cowardly you can go home and drink but you're not drinking around these two." Dean threw the bottle back in the fridge, picking his coat up from the sofa. "So this is how it's gonna be huh? If we have kids you'll just be as gutless and selfish as this?"

"We won't be having kids Y/N!"

Ryback - All the young children in your family had been sent off to bed, so you were now all fathered around the dining table with a few bottles of wine. You managed to swerve the offer and stick to the fizzy without anyone thinking too deep into it. "Who do we all think is gonna be next to have kids? I'm going for Y/N and Ryback." You both looked at each other giggling slightly.

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