Telling Your Family

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King Barrett - Unfortunately you had to Skype your families as they were across the pond and weren't visiting for quite a while to tell them face to face. You decided to Skype your mum first, as she would by far be the most excited. She answered the call almost straight away, you both struggling to control your excitement. "Mum!" You exclaimed. She looked so happy to see the both of you. "Guess what. You're gonna be a grandma." Wade wrapped an arm around you, as you struggled not to cry at how happy your mum was, a reminder of how much you missed her.

"Y/F/N, have you heard this, Y/N and Wade are having a baby." Your father rushed up to the camera behind your mum waving frantically at you. You both waved back, excited to see each other's faces.

"Congratulations you two, I can't wait to fly over for cuddles." He told you. Your dad had always been a bit of a softie, even if Wade thought otherwise, and couldn't wait to meet the new arrival in America, and neither could you, because your family was expanding and none of you could wait.

Seth Rollins - Seth's mum had been pestering you for ages as to why you wanted Seth's baby photo, but you decided to wait until Seth knew you were pregnant so you could use it to tell her. You had invited her and Seth's father round for dinner that night, and before you started food you were going to give it back to her, blown up on the canvas. The time came and she looked at you strangely when you handed it to her. "So all you did was put in on a big canvas?" You couldn't help but giggle at how her reaction was almost identical to Seth's.

"Mum take a closer look." Seth told her, exactly how you had told him to do only last week. She looked closely at the finer details, still not quite getting it. Seth was clearly losing his patience with her, so ended up snatching it out of the hand. "Look mum, look what that says." He pointed to the small text in the corner of the canvas. You placed a hand on his shoulder as his parents both gasped at the prospect of becoming grandparents. "That wasn't quite how I was planning to tell them." He whispered in your ear making you laugh.

Roman Reigns - You were sat at the Samoan BBQ Roman's grandparents had arranged. Everyone was speaking Samoan so you struggled to fit in. You decided together that tonight would be the night as everyone was there. Roman was going to tell his family. He had to speak it in Samoan so you didn't have much of a clue what he was saying. "My qoyska aniga iyo jacaylka jeclaan lahaa inaan idiin sheego in aan ilmo yar oo dhan, oo aan la sugi karin, waayo, waxaad inay kaga hor tagaan marka at timaado oo kaliya sideed bilood markii." You had no clue what Roman said, but nodded smiling anyway. You knew when he told them though because everyone jumped up running over to you. You looked at Roman who nodded encouraging you to hug them back telling you that they knew. Some family members couldn't speak very fluent English, so you nodded graciously anyways, appreciating how loving they were despite this.

Dean Ambrose 'written by Ambroslicious' - Dean was sat distressed, talking to his brother Roman, you and him were all Dean had. "Bro, you're a father, tell me. How'd you feel when you found out you were gonna be a father?" Dean asked, the nerves clear in his voice.

"Well, when Galina surprised me with JoJo, honestly I was terrified but when I got to hold her in my arms I fell in love." He smiled over at Dean. "And you will too. Dean, you've been completely sane and stable for a week and I knew it was something big eating at you." He patted Dean's back and chuckled. "But listen, you'll make a great father. You won't make the same mistakes because you're better them your father and mother combined." Roman gave Dean a quick hug, "I'll always have your back brother."

"And I'll always have your back bro."

Ryback - You were having your weekly family dinner again, only this week instead of guessing who would have a baby next, you could finally tell everyone that you really were. You were all enjoying an amazing meal, when Ryback called for some quiet as you had an announcement. He left it for you to tell everyone as he was far to excitable and wouldn't have been able to control himself when he told your family. He placed a reassuring hand on your leg under the table, as you took a small nervous breath. "So, me and Ryback have a fairly big announcement to tell you all, that in just under eight months time they'll be another child crawling under the table and hanging off your legs. We're expecting!" Everyone jumped up squealing, hugging you, and kissing you. You couldn't help but smile at how happy everyone was for you and Ryback, as you were slightly worried as to how some people may react. That day Ryback was truly accepted as part of your family.

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