Gender Reveal

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King Barrett - You're parents had arranged a surprise party for the two of you so you could discover the gender of your baby. It was something your mum always wanted to do for the two of you, so when she asked the midwife what the gender was she was beyond excited. She had made a cake with the gender colour inside. It was great having the reveal with all your loved ones, and it meant a lot that both your families wanted to be so heavily involved. Wade picked up the knife as the two of you cut into the cake together, to show the colour pink making you squeal.

Seth Rollins - You and Seth decided not to find out until you had actually given birth. You wanted the element of surprise when the baby arrived. It was something you had both discussed for a while, you wanting to know the gender, but Seth wasn't so sure. Seth couldn't see the excitement of knowing what gender you were going to have before you gave birth so instead you both agreed to wait so you could add to the emotion of labour when you found out.

Roman Reigns - JoJo had pestered to know if she could have the perfect baby sister she had wanted for weeks, so as a surprise you had already decorated the pink nursery as you were having a girl, and were preparing to finally show her. You had kept it simple, yet still added a few touches, especially the old cot JoJo used, so she'd recognise it. Roman covered her eyes, removing his hands once you got in the doorway. "A sister." She chanted skipping around, admiring everything.

Dean Ambrose - You didn't really want to know the gender, considering at the moment your baby was going to grow up without a dad. So when the midwife asked, you just told her to tell you. "It's a boy." There was no expression on your face, it didn't matter to you anymore. You and your baby boy were going to be alone anyway, it just meant you were going to have to stock up on blue. Your main concern was how you were going to have to let Dean know, and more importantly how he'd react.

Ryback - You couldn't wait to tell Ryback's mum about the fact she was going to have a little granddaughter and grandson who she could take shopping. She was there for you every step of the way so far. You had sat her down on the sofa, and left Ryback to tell her the news. "Mum, we're having a little girl and boy." She jumped up excitedly hugging the two of you ever so tightly. Her face was an absolute picture, as you snapped a few photos for the memory box.

"Twins!" She exclaimed, as she released her grip slightly.

Sami Zayn - Your grandmother had baked you both a cake where inside would be either the colour pink or the colour blue. It was lovely that she had volunteered to do it for you. Both your families surrounded you as she presented you with her cake, everyone adored you both as a couple and could not be happier for the two of you. Sami grabbed a knife from the draw in the kitchen and wrapped your hand around his cutting in the middle to show a beautiful baby blue cake.

Finn Balor - Finn was beyond excited to Skype his mum and tell her that he was having an Irish princess. It was difficult for you all not having her around, especially once the little one arrived, but you'd get by. She'd always dreamt of a little girl for her Finn to protect, and she tried so hard to stop herself crying in front of you when Finn told her the happy news. You never dreamt of how emotional your pregnancy would be for everyone, whether they were with you or far away.

Sheamus - Sheamus was away on tour when you discovered the baby's gender, so to reveal it to him you wrote a letter which he would discover when he got home, he was going to be gone for a month and a half and seeing as the internet was awful, a letter seemed like a good choice. He wanted to know every detail so the letter was pretty long but you just couldn't wait for him to read it. It would never be the same as him actually being there but the love was still in the letter, as you told him about your son.

Tyson Kidd - Your sister turned out to be your midwife so she was able to see what gender your baby would be before you both did, so being your sister she wanted to be creative and show you the baby's gender in her own way. Of course she also took great delight in teasing the two of you, but what sister wouldn't. She did this by creating a little doll for the two of you to put in your nursery before 'he' arrived. A beautiful teddy for them to snuggle from their aunt.

Neville - You made a small album to show to his family who were on an overseas trip from across the pond. They had absolutely no idea you were expecting so when Neville showed them a pink album with baby scan photos they couldn't quite get their heads around what it was exactly you were trying to tell them. It was brilliant that you could finally let them all know after having to keep quiet for so long. "Mum, we're having a baby," Neville finally announced, his mum squeezing him tight.

Randy Orton - You had sat Randy down to keep him up to date from what he had missed whilst away with work. "So I got asked if I wanted to know the gender." He looked at you urgently to continue. "I decided I didn't want to know though, I didn't want to go through that moment without you by my side." Randy simply stood up planting a kiss on the top of your head. You could tell that it meant a lot to him that you felt it was right for the two of you to discover the gender together.

Brock Lesnar - You both were going to keep the tradition of not discovering the baby's gender, it was something that you had done for the rest of your kids and you both were definitely not going to change that now. The moment you both shared as your child arrived and you could see whether it was a boy or girl meant to much to you both to ruin the surprise months before you were due to give birth.

Dolph Ziggler - Dolph was desperate to be able to let his brother know the gender. They were so close with each other and always had each other's backs. He arrived at your house as soon as you both got through the door. "Well? How did you get on? Have I got a niece or a nephew? I mean either way they are gonna wrestle"

"Well uncle, you're gonna have a little baby nephew running around." The two of them fist bumped, hugging each other, then you.

Jey Uso - It was a difficult decision for the two of you whether you wanted to know the gender or not. You knew eventually the midwife would ask you, but you didn't know what to say. Jey was like a kid at Christmas and really wanted to know, which made you feel incredibly guilty, but you felt like the waiting process was part of pregnancy. Once Jey had settled you tried desperately to persuade him to wait, just to give you a bit more time to get your head around things, he just didn't know yet.

Jimmy Uso - Anyone would of thought that some of the women at work were the parents with how excited they were. You both showed up at Raw the day after your scan to tell everyone the news. Everyone rushed around you, Jimmy careful of anyone hurting you, questioning whether you were having a baby. "Well guys, were having a little girl." All the girls squealed loudly at the prospect of buying your daughter lots of little gifts, whilst the boys all grunted at the loud pitch noise.

John Cena - Your brother also happened to be expecting a baby with his partner, due two weeks before you. You both had recently found out the gender of your babies, and John decided to invite them both round your house so you could tell each other. Your brother went first announcing he was having a baby girl, and you followed telling them you were having a baby boy. "A boy and a girl it is, so exciting!" Your brother exclaimed as you joined together in a group hug.

Kane - The gender didn't matter to the both of you, you were more concerned about making sure your baby was happy and healthy, so when your mum begged you to tell her the gender you had to softly break it to her that you didn't want to discover it just yet and that she'd have to hold on for a couple more months. She looked a bit upset but you both weren't going to change your mind, so you pulled her into a hug. "It'll be here soon mum, the wait isn't too long, don't worry."

Xavier Woods - You decided to throw a massive party for all your close friends and family to attend so that you could announce your player three as a beautiful boy. Xavier clinked his glass to get some attention, there was a small cardboard box in the corner which he picked up, opening it to release a few blue balloons signalling that it was a boy. It didn't matter to everyone what gender your baby was, but there were all still overjoyed at the prospect of another boy in the two families.

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