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King Barrett - "I don't know if I can do this anymore." You moaned once again as your stomach caused you yet more pain. Each day you got less sleep which caused you to become even grumpier. "Why is pregnancy so hard?" You were skyping Wade whilst he was in Germany, as you laid on your bed by yourself. One thing after another was getting on your nerves. Wade knew that you were struggling on your own and that in a matter of time you'd be back to your usual self.

"It'll all get better soon baby, just hang on in there."

Seth Rollins - Somehow the simple job of making dinner had caused you to flip earlier in the day. You stormed off to your bedroom refusing to go near Seth. "I've been sat here for three hours babe, and I'll sit here for another three hours if I have to." You both knew it was a mood swing but you felt so guilty you didn't want Seth to see you. You walked over unlocking the door, falling straight into his arms. "It's alright to be mad sweetheart, it's just part of the job." He reassured.

Roman Reigns - "Why are we having this baby when you can't even put a washing machine on? You can't cope with responsibilities as it is Roman." Roman stood taking all your punches and slaps as you let out your frustration on your innocent husband. Your rant lasted for a while before you fell down in tears to the ground. Roman picked you up rubbing your back soothingly as you relaxed again.

"Stop stressing sweet, our baby is our priority." You nodded in agreement taking deep breaths. "For the record, I can do the washing."

Dean Ambrose - You weren't a moody person usually, however without Dean you were struggling to cope and as he wasn't there everyone else had to suffer with your anger. It was a horrible feeling for you and even though you knew they'd still support you the fear that one day they'd have enough of your temper ate you up inside. Knowing this was Dean's fault irritated you even more but he wasn't going to come back to you anytime soon until he sorted himself out.

Ryback - You rarely got angry at Ryback as you had discovered many calming methods on the internet the two of you could use to make sure you didn't stress. It was hard enough as it was for the two of you and you didn't want to cause any harm to the baby. "I saw today that music is meant to help." Ryback had just walked through the door chucking you a couple of CDs.

"It's worth a try." You said playing one in the stereo. You both looked at each other breaking into a fit of laughter as the strange tune of the music brought you to hysterics.

Sami Zayn - "Sami do I look big in this. Don't lie to me now because my bum looks huge." You scanned yourself in your new maternity dress in the mirror. Your anger surfaced as you realised how big you had become. "Look at it! Look how huge it is!" You screamed at him fury suddenly the only emotion you felt. "I'm getting so big." You cried a few tears momentarily falling down your cheek. Sami walked over placing a simple kiss on your forehead holding you whilst you got over another one of your phases.

Finn Balor - "I miss you so much." You whimpered on Skype to Finn from Ireland. You had gone to stay with family for the rest of the pregnancy but being away from Finn was beginning to become a nightmare. "Your mother keeps pestering me and babying me every second. She doesn't leave me alone Finn and I can't take much more of her nagging." Finn could see the sadness in your eyes as you found yourself crying in front of the screen.

"I'll be home soon, just wipe those pretty tears away and make sure however much she annoys you, baby is number one." You wiped the tears away suddenly smiling again as your husband said his goodbye.

Sheamus - "Why does pregnancy last so long? Some animals are only pregnant for a couple of weeks yet somehow girls have to carry their baby for nine months. That doesn't seem fair in my eyes." You went off on another one of your moody rants about how you were treated unfairly compared to everything else in the world. You weren't one to shout, more just moan about the small little things for a long period of time. No one could interrupt you they just had to sit through it and stop themselves from laughing at how mad you could sometimes be. "I can't help my hormones." You'd argue back to them.

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