Morning Sickness Blurb

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King Barrett - You luckily weren't sick much which you were quite pleased of considering how much pain your baby caused you. It was nice knowing that you weren't going to throw up everyday and you were blessed to have such a smooth pregnancy. The thought of being sick every morning terrified you so the fact that you weren't sick often was the best bit about your pregnancy as you were able to relax and enjoy mornings cuddled up with Wade your belly resting on top of him.

Seth Rollins - Being sick wasn't exactly the nicest thing especially without Seth. Every night when you face timed and he asked you how you were, you'd have to tell him how you were sick again and how horrible it was. Seth hated hearing about your troubles but there was nothing he could do. You sat waiting for that someone to appear to pull your hair back or rub your back, but you always had to do it yourself because no matter how much you dreamt Seth was still on the other side of the country.

Roman Reigns - JoJo would always look after you when you were sick. Her room was next to the bathroom so she could hear you before Roman noticed you'd gone. She'd creep into your room to wake Roman up, so the two of them could comfort you. They'd often make you a hot water bottle and cup of tea to make you feel better. JoJo often told your baby off for hurting mummy as she hated seeing you in so much pain just as much as Roman did.

Dean Ambrose - It was as if your pregnancy couldn't get any worse because for a good seven months you were violently throwing up most mornings. All the karma you deserved had come back at you as you woke up every morning sprinting to the bathroom. You hated the feeling, and sat up every morning just waiting for it to happen. Being alone made it a struggle everyday as you coped with the terrible morning sickness.

Ryback - Ryback had the great idea of placing some bowls by the side of your bed incase you wouldn't make it to the toilet. It also meant you could stay in bed with him by your side as you threw up. The idea was great as it meant you'd be a bit more comfortable instead of leaning over the toilet. You appreciated how much he cared for you and the baby and that he would always be by your side.

Sami Zayn - Sami hated sick. The smell of it. The look of it. The aftertaste. So when it came to morning sickness he knew he would have to man up and be by his missus' side. You always told him you didn't need him and that you'd be fine but he didn't care. He learnt to get on with it and after a short while he just became accustomed to the disgusting smell. Having to deal with the smell was a lot easier then watching you in any pain.

Finn Balor - Finn carried a hair band around on his wrist ready for when you were going to suddenly be sick. Although admittedly it was slightly strange it was the thought that counted. He always had a red circle around his wrist where the band had been which you found extra cute. He got some strange looks from people but Finn just liked to know he was always prepared when baby wanted to play games with it's mummy.

Sheamus - You were back home in Ireland when you encountered your first bout of morning sickness. You felt terrible that night having to speak to Sheamus and tell him you were sick and there was nothing he could do to help. He made it his duty to ring up every family member and tell them to look after you seeing as he regrettably couldn't be there to do it himself.

Tyson Kidd - The both of you were feeling sick and the race for the bathroom was on. It seemed just your luck that Tyson had fallen ill around the same time your morning sickness was at its worst. However it was quite nice being able to look after each other and spend long hours in bed alternating every so often as to who would be the one to run to the bathroom and who would be the one to clean up the other's mess.

Neville - Neville ended up ringing his mum for help as to how to look after you during morning sickness. He made all sorts of home remedies and concoctions that his mother had suggested worked for her. Some were better then others, and some even made Neville feel incredibly sick. He just wanted to try anything that took the sickness away from you no matter how silly or strange it was or sounded.

Randy Orton - Morning sickness was second nature to Randy having dealt with it before. Somehow he always knew how to make you feel better, or relax you when you were slumped over the toilet seat in floods of tears. It felt good knowing that Randy had experience and could look after you better. Obviously you weren't exactly the same as his ex partner, but that little bit of extra knowledge made you feel much more comfortable.

Brock Lesnar - After having multiple children sickness just became an everyday chore after a while. The sight and the smell didn't bother either of you like it had done years ago. It almost became part of your routine after having your children quite close together, you never seemed to be able to catch a break. It made the whole journey a lot easier seeing as you both were less worried about you being sick.

Dolph Ziggler - Dolph always tried to make you giggle when you were throwing up, sometimes it made you want to punch him, other times it was the best distraction you could have asked for. He understood you were also suffering from mood swings but that was the risk he took knowing that there might be a possible smile at the end of it. As horrible as it all was, it was part of the pregnancy so he might as well make it as fun as possible.

Jey Uso - Jey's grandma had made some cakes for the family and you weren't too sure if it was the baby or the cake that had turned your stomach. It was nice at the time but it wasn't the first time Jey's grandmother's cakes had made you feel a little bit funny inside or a bit ill. You didn't want to sound horrible to her, and it was probably just the little bun in the oven but if it was it wouldn't come as much of a surprise.

Jimmy Uso - Morning sickness was worse then you could have ever imagined, you were always throwing up in the mornings continuously. It was horrendously tiresome having to get up every morning, puke, and then carry on as if everything was fine. It was your first thought every morning whether your tummy was gonna cause you to run to the bathroom or not.

John Cena - Living in John's fancy mansion your biggest concern was ruining the décor he worked tirelessly to perfect or damaging any of the ornaments around the house on your rush to the bathroom. John always tried to tell you it was alright and that he didn't mind, but the guilt you felt when you once knocked over a vase on the table are you up inside. His house was like a delicate masterpiece which you were scared to touch.

Kane - Kane set up a small bundle of blankets and cushions for you to rest in when you were sick. If you had no effort it was a place for the two of you to chill especially if you felt the recurring incident was going to happen again. In all honesty it was more comfortable then your actual bed as it was full of the softest things you could discover in your house.

Xavier Woods - Having to get Xavier to leave his PlayStation alone to come and help you was a job in itself. Nine times out of ten he was oblivious to the ghastly sound coming from the bathroom, and would often sit in shock at the sight of your tidy body walking into the room slumping on the bed, intently brushing your teeth. You didn't mind too much as you were able to sort yourself out, but sometimes you craved his presence beside you.

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