Picking Out A Name

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King Barrett - Wade was desperate to name your son Kingsley, until he realised that you were having a girl. Queensley didn't quite have the same effect but Wade still wanted your baby to have a fairly royal name, especially considering they were a Princess to a King. You had recommended to Wade a nice posh British name but he wasn't convinced. "How about Elizabeth? You know, the Queen's name is Elizabeth."

Seth Rollins - Seth decided that if you were having a little girl she would be named Dottie, as you both had grandmothers named Dorothy, it wasn't really a modern name so you picked Dottie instead. You debated about the names of your grandfathers, Seth's Gerald, and yours Albert. Neither was really modern either, so you decided on Bertie, a shortened version of Albert, plus it was very adorable too.

Roman Reigns - You definitely wanted a name to compliment Jojo seeing as they were sisters. It was hard thinking of one but in the end you decided on Lolo. The two names sounded adorable together and when you suggested the name to Jojo yet again she became an overjoyed toddler. Roman wanted your baby to have a cute name and had come up with many, but once you had suggested Lolo, that was it.

Dean Ambrose - A name wasn't exactly your priority for your baby. You had thought of a few things, John or Victoria. You didn't want your child to have an eccentric name that no one could pronounce, so instead you came up with some pretty basic names that you could decide upon once the baby had finally arrived. You wanted the name to suit the baby, the same way some people question crazy baby names.

Ryback - Considering you were having twins the two of you wanted to make sure their names started with the same letter, a typical twin thing to do you admitted. You couldn't quite decide on what letter to choose, so you got a piece of paper with the alphabet on and told Ryback to move his finger around. You told him to stop and he landed on the letter P. A name for your baby girl was easy, Poppy, but your boy was a bit harder, but you ended up choosing Peter.

Sami Zayn - If you were a boy you were going to be called Lloyd. It wasn't a name you were too keen on, but when Sami said the name out loud, Lloyd Zayn, somehow it didn't sound so bad and had a very odd ring to it. It wasn't a name you would have thought you'd have liked but actually you came round to the idea.

Finn Balor - Finn had kept arguing to give your baby an American name, however you were adamant she was going to have an Irish name. Who would have known your baby's name would be the thing that caused the two of you to clash the most. After playing up on your mood swings one too many times Finn caved in and you decided on the beautiful Irish name of Niamh.

Sheamus - The two of you had written a long list of names each that you were going to put into a hat. The two of you then picked one out of the hat and that would be the name that you would both decide upon. Neither of you could think of a better way to go about things without causing an argument of which name to pick and which one.

Tyson Kidd - Tyson adored the idea of having a junior version of himself, you on the other hand weren't so sure. It sounded a bit arrogant to you that he loved himself so much he wanted a second version. You tried to come up with names that were fairly similar to Tyson that he still might quite like. In the end you suggested Teddy, which after much persuasion Tyson came round to.

Neville - Your sister had died when you were little, Phoebe her name. You never really had much to remember her by until Neville suggested that be the name of your little girl. Instinctively you broke down at the thought of your sister and the sweet gesture Neville had made so that you could dedicate your beautiful daughter to your just as beautiful sister.

Randy Orton - Having had Alannah your child definitely had to have the first initial of A. They may not have the same mother but they were still siblings so it only seemed right for them to have the same initial in their name. It was something cute for the two of them too. You had yet to discover the name of your baby so you came up with a name for each gender, Anna or Alfie.

Brock Lesnar - It was also a tradition for the two of you not to come up with a name for your baby until they arrived, and then when you saw their face for the first time that would be the name of your child. So many people found it strange but it was what you had done for your other three children, so of course you were going to carry on with the fourth.

Dolph Ziggler - It seemed more like Dolph and his brother were deciding the name of your son. Any idea you had the two of them would overrule. Any name one came up with somehow the other one would like too, so you were immediately outnumbered when it came to picking a name. You didn't mind too much it was nice to see the two brothers bonding so much over the baby. They ended up picking Don, odd but a mix between Dolph and Ryan, of course that wasn't going to be it once you finally got your say.

Jey Uso - As much as he did, you felt like Jey didn't really have the right to pick a name for the baby just yet. He'd been on so many websites and read multiple books in a desperate search for the perfect name for your baby. Every so often he'd propose a new name that had popped into his head. The names all sounded beautiful but if Jey wasn't the dad then those names would just remind you of him everywhere you went.

Jimmy Uso - All of the women at work each suggested a name for your girl. Jimmy. In the end because there was so many you took each one of them, shuffled the paper around and picked one that one of them had suggested. In the end you picked out Alexa's suggestion of Willow from the pile. The name was perfect, they all were, but for some reason the name Willow just felt so right for your daughter.

John Cena - Your boy and your brother's girl were going to have very similar names. You didn't want them to sound like exact twins but you wanted the two of them to have names that were suited to each other. Having four people decide on names made it even harder. There wasn't a name that really stood out for either of you so instead you got up a name generator which produced the name Tyler for your boy, so to compliment it your brother came up with Talia.

Kane - You and Kane were very traditional in the name of your child, whichever gender. The name of your child would have to be a popular name, one that has gone through multiple generations something like Edward or Fred. Nice and simple, nothing to fancy, but a bit of the two of you, two very traditional people who are pretty basic really.

Xavier Woods - Trying to stop Xavier from naming your child after a cartoon or video game character was a challenge. At one moment Sonic was mentioned but that's when you drew the line. There were definitely boundaries, it had to be fairly normal. Xavier had a love for superheroes so you suggested to him Clark, he loved the idea as it was still related to a passion he had but also was acceptable as a name.

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