The Announcement Tweet

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All written by 'tay_madi'

@wadebarrett Nine months is far too long to wait to meet our new baby #havetowait

@wwerollins Countdown to baby starts now #9months

@wweromanreigns Guess who's going to be a dad! #happydad

@thedeanambrose Is it possible to pass craziness to the baby? #babylunatic

@ryback22 My beautiful girl and I are going to be parents sooner rather then later! #growingfamily

@IlikeSamiZayn I hope the baby is as perfect as Y/N #ofcourseitsperfect

@wwebalor 1+1=3 #babycomingsoon

@wwesheamus My baby will be Irish that means it will be cuter then your baby #irishbaby

@Kiddwwe Boy or girl I'll be happy #babyboyorgirl

@wweneville Very excited for my baby to arrive #newbaby

@randyorton My daughter can't wait to be a big sister #bigsis

@dcbrocklesnar There's another baby in our future #anotherone

@heelziggler Y/N and I are proud to say our baby will be here in nine months #feelslikeforever

@wwejeyuso There are no words to describe how excited I am for our baby #lostforwords

@jimmyuso I guess we should stock up on pickles and ice cream #whendocravingsstart

@JohnCena I can't remember when I was this happy! #happyforbaby

@kanewwe I'm happy to be having a baby with my beautiful Y/N #timeforababy

@xavierwoodsphd Why does it take so long for the baby to get here? #nopatience

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