Baby Scans

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King Barrett - Wade had arranged for you to have your scan whilst you were holidaying in England with your families. Wade decided to let your mum accompany you to this scan as it was one of the rare opportunities you got to spend with each other. It was great to have her support as she had been through a pregnancy before and could encourage you and tell you exactly what was going to happen. You were both happy that Wade allowed you to spend time with each other and that he didn't mind letting this one go and miss it. He was incredibly understanding and knew that you needed your mum around this time. It made you feel lot more comfortable after listening to your mum and all of her experiences, and Wade appreciated your mum helping you and settling your nerves for when you went back to America alone.

Seth Rollins 'written by Heiddy_ambrose_balor' - The nurse had just called your name as you looked at the door one last time. Seth hadn't turned up and you couldn't believe it. You were directed to the bed, as the doctor left for a few moments. As you lifted your top up slightly the door swung open. Seth ran in, running up to you. You hugged him tightly. "I'm so so sorry, please don't be mad at me, I'm here now." He pecked your cheek, before pulling away and greeting the doctor.

"Well you two, your baby is growing well and it is very healthy." You could see how happy Seth was at the sight of his baby for the first time. Seth started pacing the room, before running up to you and kissing your bare stomach. Next thing you knew he was spitting everywhere because of the nasty taste of the gel on my stomach. "So next scan we'll be able to work out the gender." The doctor told you handing you a scan photo.

Roman Reigns - Having already had one child the idea of a baby scan was easy for Roman, but you were petrified. He was trying desperately to settle your nerves the whole way there but nothing was working. You had seen programmes and heard stories from different people about baby scans, and the icy cold gel they put on your belly. The car journey felt like it took forever because you couldn't help but imagine all these different scenarios in your broad imagination. Upon your arrival your heart began to race, as all the outpatients flooded out smiles in their faces hoping you could be the same. Much to your relief the baby was fine, and you couldn't believe how pathetic you were to worry so much. Roman completely understood why you were feeling that way as he was exactly the same when JoJo was in her mother's stomach.

Dean Ambrose 'written by Heiddy_ambrose_balor' - You were walking to the doctor's office because today was the day you got to see your baby. Roman had decided to tag along as Dean refused to come, and he was the uncle. Dean had moved in with Roman for a while to sort his head out. You were called in, begging Roman to come in with you. You both settled in when a nurse popped her head around the door. "Hi sweetie, a man who says he's your boyfriend is outside." You look puzzled, as Dean walked in. You didn't have any words for him, you just wanted him to leave. He went to take a seat, but you quickly stopped him.

"No, you need to leave." You never thought you'd kick your husband away from your baby scan, but you didn't want anything to do with him right now. Roman escorted him outside as the nurse sorted you out with the gel and the scan. Dean tried desperately to stay but you weren't having any of it. Roman was the only person you wanted with you, and Roman was the only one who was going to stay.

Ryback - You were laying on your back, the both of you listening intently to what the nurse was saying. You were both interested in what she was saying, excited to hear how your baby was doing. "Well, it appears that the ultrasound is picking up to heart beats instead of just one." You both looked at each other, knowing exactly what the nurse was implying. "Congratulations, you're having twins." The idea of having two children was the best news either of you could've received. You couldn't wait to let everyone know, as everyone knew that the two of you would be fantastic parents.

Sami Zayn 'written by Heiddy_ambrose_balor' - For a couple of weeks now you had sharp pains on your lower back, and Sami was beyond concerned, so the baby scan came as a relief. The doctor immediately asked you if you are having any pains, so you told him all about it. The doctor told you he'd check for anything which might be the source of pain. You could tell Sami was slightly on edge, and the doctor was quick to notice asking him if he was alright. Sami told him how he was just worried about you. The doctor told you how nothing was wrong but you were picking up too many heavy objects when you already have to carry extra weight with your unborn child. Besides that everything seemed normal. You could see the tears of happiness in Sami's eyes that everything was alright, as you reached out for a hug. "How I love my two little angels." He said, touching your stomach protectively.

Finn Balor 'written by Heiddy_ambrose_balor' - You were driving alongside Finn to go to your scan. Finn was really excited to see your baby and if they were growing right. You sat down for only a matter of moments before the nurse invited you in. She instructed you as to what to do and left the room again for a few moments. Finn could hardly sit still in his seat, and you couldn't help but giggle at how cute he was. Finn was cut off by the nurse walking back into the room. The gel was cold, as Finn finally calmed down. You understood it was an exciting time for him, but you didn't really want him to embarrass you in front of the nurse. "Well, you're 3 months gone and your baby is looking normal size and is growing well." You could see Finn trying really hard to control himself as you thanked the nurse, tidying yourself up.

Randy Orton 'written by Heiddy_ambrose_balor' - You could see Randy was already comfortable being in the maternity ward, but for you it was a new experience. The nurse instructed you to lay down and raise your top up. As you propped yourself up you felt two arms around your waist, lifting you slightly and placing you on the bed. You gave Randy a glare, although you were pregnant you were a wrestler and could still do the simple things. You felt yourself slowly zoning out, not really paying attention. "Y/N, the nurse is talking to you." You looked up nodding, pretending to hear. She asked you how you feeling, so you responded telling her apart from being a bit moody you've been fine. Alannah was begging to come earlier in the day, but you thought she should wait a while. The doctor asked if you wanted a photo, which of course you did.

"Your baby Mrs Orton however does look rather on the large side, your labour will be hard work." You could hear Randy snigger next to you, so you kicked out hard, glaring at him.

Dolph Ziggler 'written by 'Heiddy_ambrose_balor' - You were waiting at the airport for Dolph's plane to land so you could go to the appointment together. He was already a doting dad, so he wouldn't miss it for the world. He hadn't been to any yet because of the tours he was on. I kept checking my watch conscience of the time. I soon felt two arms wrap around my waist and turned around to greet Dolph. You could tell he was eager to go and see your baby for the first time, so climbed into the car together. "Mr and Mrs Ziggler, the baby is growing well and he or she seems very healthy, but as you can see this baby may be a showstopper too." You continued through the rest of the scan, Dolph excited by the thought of his child being like him. You requested for a photo to share with everyone, and so Dolph could post it on Instagram to show of his 'showstopper.'

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