Telling Other People

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King Barrett 'written by AmbroseAsylum89' - Wade had always loved football, or as they called it where you now lived, soccer. When the time came to make the big announcement, you both dug out your old cleats out of the storage and laced them up. After a quick impromptu soccer scrimmage, you decided to get down to business. You ran inside returning to the backyard with a small shoebox. You stood next to Wade, placing the little pair of cleats beside you. You snapped a quick picture, running inside with an abundance of excitement at the thought of posting the picture. After a small editing session, you added the caption, "new edition to the roster, coming soon,' and hit post.

Seth Rollins 'written by AmbroseAsylum89' - Seth had been so happy to find out that you were expecting. After years of wanting a child of your own, the time had finally come. Naturally Seth wanted to shout it from the rooftops. Seth would tell complete stranger if he could. Seth was happy to offer quite a few ideas up of how to tell everyone. One day, a slice of pizza in your hand, you were craving, you walked in on him trying to get your dog Charlie to prop up a chalkboard. "Seth, what are you doing?" You asked through a mouthful of leftovers. He shushed you and told you it was a secret. You shrugged it off and went back to the living room. Five minutes later, Seth had posted a picture on social media of his dog with a sign that read, 'Mum and Dad are getting me a small human!"

Roman Reigns 'written by AmbroseAsylum89' - When you had finally surpassed the milestone to where it would be safe to announce your pregnancy, you knew immediately that you wanted JoJo to do the honours. When you asked JoJo how she thought you should tell everyone, she quickly told you her plan, and you could tell she was waiting for you to ask. You had dressed JoJo up like superwoman, a small reference to her father, and posed her in the yard like she was about to fly, with a sign that said, "every superhero needs a sidekick!" It was the cutest thing to see her beautiful smile as she held the sign with such happiness. You all couldn't wait to add another member to your growing family.

Dean Ambrose 'written by AmbroseAsylum89' - Considering Dean's hatred of social media, you knew the big announcement would never be revealed in such ways. Honestly, neither of you really felt like telling anyone. Dean had acted happy when you told him the news, but you could tell he wasn't completely sold on the idea of becoming a father. When the two of you finally decided to tell your closest friends, you agreed that it wouldn't be a big deal. There wouldn't be any funny pictures or cute drawings, a simple, "we're expecting," would tell them all they needed to know. You weren't ones for extravagance and attention so you wanted a low key way of letting everyone know.

Ryback 'written by AmbroseAsylum89' - When you told Ryback you wanted to come up with a creative way to announce your pregnancy, you were glad to see he was just as excited as you were to come up with ideas. After an hour of brainstorming, the two of you had a great idea! You drove up to the nearest doughnut store and bought practically the whole shop. Driving home as quickly as possible with bright smiles on your faces, you made a little sign that said, 'for the next few months, the Big Guy isn't going to be the hungriest person in your house!" You taped the sign to the lid of the box, and gave him the camera. You shoved a doughnut in your mouth as the camera flashed. You both looked at the picture, and after posting it, people loved the idea just as much as you did.

Sami Zayn - You and Sami hoped to announce the pregnancy to everyone quite late on. You didn't want to tell people if you didn't have to, but you were really beginning to show earlier then anticipated. Rumours were spreading so you didn't have much time to think of an idea. You ended up making a homemade family portrait of the two of you that you made recreating an old photo. You thought it looked amazing, so you photocopied it into a second copy and decided to add a little baby to it. The baby was in Sami's arm wrapped up in a blanket. To add to the sentiment you photocopied the old diary and added the text to the photos to piece it all together. You couldn't think of a better way to let everyone know, and it seemed like everything from 14 years ago had finally come full circle. You simply added the caption 'Disney is right, dreams do really come true.'

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