Tweet Announcing The Birth

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All written by 'tay_madi'

@wadebarrett The Princess has arrived! #princessBarrett

@wwerollins Our family has grown! Everyone is doing well #NewRollins

@wweromanreigns How is it possible to love someone who is so small so much? #LittleReigns

@thedeanambrose Never thought this would happen or that I'd be so happy #BabyAmbrose

@ryback22 Happy that nine months have gone by and that my little ones are here! #TinyRybacks

@IlikeSamiZayn Barely an hour old and this little thing has my heart! #Babystolemyheart

@wwebalor Is it possible to have two loves of your life? #NewBalorBaby

@wwesheamus My baby good luck charm has arrived #babygoodluckcharm

@Kiddwwe Y/N and I agree nine months was worth it for this little teddy #thewaitisover

@wweneville I've got the love of my life, and our baby what more could a man need? #babyishere

@randyorton Nothing can make me happier then I am right now #growingfamily

@dcbrocklesnar Sleep is a thing of the past we have another new baby #goodbyesleep

@heelziggler I never thought anyone but Y/N could be this perfect #perfectbaby

@wwejeyuso Y/N says its too soon to teach the baby how to wrestle #itsnevertoosoon

@jimmyuso I can't believe my baby is here! #bestdayever

@JohnCena I think Y/N broke my hand but its worth the wait for this little guy #babyboyCena

@kanewwe Y/N and I are happy to say we finally have our baby #finallyhere

@xavierwoodsphd Well he is here I hope I don't mess this being a father thing up #goodluckdad

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