During Labour

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King Barrett - Wade had no clue how to look after you or make sure you were alright, this whole support role was new to him too. As the contractions kept coming he found it more difficult to calm you. His mum had quickly briefed him on the do's and don'ts of labour as his parents went back home to pick up your bag. "I really wish your parents would hurry up, your mum would know what to do," you moaned as another contraction happened and he just sat there bewildered. Wade knew that it was the pain talking but your comments hurt him a bit too. You noticed the sad expression on his face as the pain began to soften. "I'm sorry, what I said, it's not true." Wade leant forward, rubbing your back as his way of accepting your apology.

Seth Rollins - Seth kept trying to make small talk with you in the delivery room to try and distract you from the pain you had. "Could you imagine if you had given birth in our bed." You looked over at him laughing at the random things he kept saying. You didn't think Seth actually realised he was doing it, you both were feeling so many different emotions right now. "Sweetie, I'm at the hospital now, so that's all that matters." His mind was working over time thinking of random things he'd never said to you before, until now. Every so often he'd come out with something different, you began to expect it, but it was his way of coping with the daunting prospect of child birth and becoming a father. Over time you knew you weren't going to be as pleased with his outbursts as the pain got worse.

Roman Reigns - Roman knew exactly how to make you feel better as he had been in the delivery room once before. He said all the right things and all the right actions. It was nice knowing you had been induced so labour didn't come as a surprise, as your heart was already beating a million beats without the shock of labour too. "Jojo is so excited, my mum just rang to see how you were doing." That was the thing that kept your spirits high, Jojo's face when she would be introduced to her little sister for the first time. "I'm so happy, she's as excited as we are." It was amazing to finally be looking after a little girl who was yours and Roman's, as much as you loved Jojo, you both knew how special these moments are.

Dean Ambrose - The pain was excruciating as Roman sat with you, holding your hand. The midwife kept checking up on you, but so far labour was just a serious amount of pain. Another shoot of pain came through, as the midwife peered through again. "Miss, there is a man at the desk asking to see you? Shall I invite him in?" You nodded, not fully comprehending what the midwife said. You looked forward when the door swung open again, to reveal a figure you hadn't seen for months. "Dean? What are you doing here? How did you know?" He nodded at Roman who smiled at you. Roman swiftly left the room leaving the seat empty for Dean. "I'm sorry, alright, I know I've not been here for you, but let me be here now." You nodded at him, grabbing his hand tightly in pain.

Ryback - It didn't take long for the midwife to tell you that you were ready to push, Ryback and his mum had been with you the entire time, both taking turns to volunteer a hand for you to squeeze. The short labour meant the pain went from nought to one hundred in a matter of seconds, making Ryback incredibly nervous every time you screamed in pain. "Our baby is so nearly here," he kept telling himself out loud. His mum laughed at how panicky he was as she had already been through it once before. "Darling, will you please be quiet and calm down, I can not begin to imagine what you would of been like if she was going through a strenuous labour." Ryback blushed in his seat, as the midwife and her colleagues began to gather around you.

Sami Zayn - "This is just great, I'm in an unfamiliar hospital, you're being absolutely useless, my mum is miles away, who knew life could get any better." Sami was pacing up and down, stressing. He was blaming himself for taking you on the road which is why you found yourself in Miami giving birth. It meant he didn't want to get near you in case you were mad at him, but you needed him now. "Will you please just sit down and hold my hand or something." He snapped out of his thoughts going over to the spare seat, grabbing your hand. "I'm sorry, it's just all my fault." You shook your head in objection. "Sami, please for the love of God, just shut up!"

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