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King Barrett - Every meal you ate you suddenly put onion in it. You put it in most meals, but when you fell pregnant the taste became much more distinctive and addictive. It became a necessity in most of the things you had to eat, and the more the better!

Seth Rollins - You loved grabbing an ice cold cube and placing it in your mouth, allowing it to melt into a liquid. The feeling as it hit the inside of your mouth. You didn't really like eating much, so instead loved the taste of ice, it was bland but it was what baby wanted.

Roman Reigns - Growing up you hated peanut butter but there was something that meant you suddenly adored about the once gruesome taste. You had it everyday in a sandwich or even as a snack sometimes in the middle of the night.

Dean Ambrose - Friends had always told you that you eat way too much when you're pregnant, so when you found yourself constantly munching on biscuits it came as no surprise. You'd always enjoyed a biscuit or two but nothing like the amount you ate whilst pregnant.

Ryback - Your mum had a weird craving for jam whilst pregnant with you, so you thought you'd see if jam had the same effect on you. Turns out it did, and you loved trying all the different flavours of jam. It was strange how the two if you had the same craving but it was also pretty cool.

Sami Zayn - You'd been been a vegetarian since you were little but the urge to ear meat whilst pregnant was unbearable. Meat suddenly became quite intriguing and was a flavour you had never really been interested in until now. It was strange how your favourite foods had changed over a short space of time.

Finn Balor - You used to hate it, but all of a sudden you loved it. It certainly lived up to its slogan. You had always despised Marmite, until you took a bite of one of Finn's sandwiches and then fell in love with it, putting it on any piece of bread you ate.

Sheamus - Any type of egg was your downfall during anytime of the day. It wasn't uncommon for you to wake up through the night and go downstairs and make yourself some scrambled egg to snack on. You'd have never done that before you got pregnant but here you were at three in the morning.

Tyson Kidd - It was odd to say the least. You eagerly recommended all you friends to try banana sandwiches but they all hated them, apart from you of course. You couldn't remember where you got the idea of them from but you were so glad you did when you took your first bite.

Neville - Strawberries had always been your favourite, just even more so when you fell pregnant. Neville often took late night trips to the shop to by you some, and many of your date nights in the summer were spent in the strawberry fields.

Randy Orton - Your body was stacked full of carbohydrates as you had a passion for bread. You especially craved bagels, whether it be for breakfast, lunch or dinner, you could always make room to feed baby with a bagel. It was a guilty pleasure of yours for sure.

Brock Lesnar - Considering alcohol was a no go you found yourself drinking far too much coffee to keep yourself awake and alert. You struggled sometimes to not fall asleep, so instead you craved a massive drink of coffee to keep you going. You were aware that it wasn't the healthiest of drinks but you're pregnant who cares.

Dolph Ziggler - A fruit you never really had much of until you tried Dolph's mother's fish, drizzled in lemon. The sourness setting your taste buds on fire with goodness. Ever since you refused to eat food without a good amount of lemon on top to make it extra delicious.

Jey Uso - Pepper. You found yourself often eating the same foods, so you always made sure to season with pepper to add the bit of flavour you were looking for. You never found yourself being pedantic about salt and pepper until you were pregnant when it almost became a necessity.

Jimmy Uso - It didn't matter to you what type of nut it was, to you they were all absolutely divine. You had never seen or read about women craving nuts before but clearly you were just an exception. You had searched what common cravings were, so your love of nuts came as a bit of a surprise.

John Cena - You both hated sprouts with a passion, until one meal time whilst eating a roast dinner you questioned John as to where they were. He was shocked that you were asking for some, but what baby wanted, baby got so he ended up making a journey to the shop to get you some.

Kane - You were simple, a good old bar of chocolate would fulfil all of your cravings. You didn't mind what kind or bar it was as long as you got your chocolate as quickly as possible. You had managed to stash a fair amount of chocolate in your house through the nine months.

Xavier Woods - Xavier always ate them but you were never too keen, until one day you got a slight smell of the juice and decided you had to try one. Little did you both know you'd love it, and oranges became the first thing you thought of when you woke up in the morning for breakfast.

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