Telling Them They're Going To Be A Dad

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King Barrett - You knew Wade would feel for you more then any other emotion when you told him because your career was shattered. He'd become more excited as time went on but the initial realisation that you'd no longer be by his side would hit him hard. He'd eventually come to terms with it over time however. He was at the gym, so when he came back you were going to surprise him with an item of baby clothing where he sat on the sofa, which said 'Daddy's little one.' You knew he'd be ecstatic, and you couldn't wait to tell him. You had found your old camcorder out to record his reaction to upload later on. It didn't take long for him to return home, and as soon as he did, you pressed play knowing you could edit it later. Wade placed his bag down and put on a jumper. He kissed your lips, before sitting obliviously on his seat. You knew he'd realised something was under him, so when he wasn't looking you raised the camcorder up. "What?" He asked, his jaw hitting the floor whilst he read what was on it. "A dad, I'm going to be a dad!" He jumped up running over to you, kissing your stomach and then you with sheer delight. You never expected such an amazing reaction from him. "I can't believe it."

Seth Rollins - You decided to play Seth at his own game, and tell him you were expecting by embarrassing him. You spoke to his mum a couple of days beforehand and she allowed you to take one of his old baby photos. You asked one of your friends to blow it up onto a big canvas, which they happily did. The canvas has been hung up in the front room whilst he was at work, so it would be there for him to see when he came home. On the bottom you had written, 'I hope our baby is as gorgeous as this.' Seth had the most adorable chubby cheeks, and a shy smile as he had to have his photo taken. Seth as a baby looked exactly like Seth now, just a bit more messy. You knew he'd have you for bringing back his baby photos, but he'd just be chuffed that his dream was coming true. He came home only an hour later, as you sat reading your book pretending everything was normal. He stepped into the living room, as if nothing was going on. He looked up at the photo and at you, before back at the photo. "What the hell?" You couldn't help but snigger.

"Take a closer look." You ordered him. He stepped closer looking further at the detail. All Seth did was jump at you and hug you tightly, no words could describe how happy you both were.

Roman Reigns 'written by 1D_Luver_13Xx' - It took you a couple of days to think of a announcement, but eventually you decided on it. You needed a sign, an item of clothing, a box, and the pregnancy test in your bag. Sasha, Becky and Brie were helping you prepare your surprise. Sasha was keeping guard in case Roman started looking for you, as you knew he'd be searching for his good luck kiss. You were almost done when Sasha told you he was coming down the corridor. Becky quickly finished up and you sprinted out into the corridor. Roman walked up to you pecking your lips gently, as he leaned down and you stood on your tiptoes. He asked you if you were going to watch his match, so you replied, "of course." You and the girls moved your surprise to his locker room after he was called to the gorilla. You left it on the bench with a note with his name on. After his match you went back to his locker and saw him look at the box in confusion.

"Was this here when I left?" He asked to some of the boys. "What does this mean?" He asked loudly. You saw him read the note and open up the box, as he shooed everyone else out. Roman picked up the the light blue shirt with 'Daddy Roman' written on it and the piece of paper on top of the box. 'Hi Daddy, I can't wait to meet you.' Was written on it. In the middle was a heart with your test inside, with the words 'July 2016.' His mouth hung in confusion, as you slowly walked up to him. Roman noticed you, a smile on his face, and he ran over to you hugging you gently. "I'm going to be a dad!" He laughed in excitement. "I couldn't be anymore excited."

Dean Ambrose 'written by Ambroslicious' - You knew you had to tell Dean the news eventually, although not telling him did seem like the better option. But you decided just because you and Dean had demons that the baby shouldn't have to suffer not knowing who its dad is. You sat the pregnancy test on the table next to an already cracked open beer. It was what he came home to every night, except the test of course. The front door squeaked as it was opened. You looked up at a distraught Dean, his icy blue eyes filled with frustration. Maybe now wasn't a good time, but it was too late to change your mind. Dean dropped his bag, walking over and picking up the beer. His eyes instantly noticed the pregnancy test and all you heard was a crash, as the beer hit the floor, broken pieces of glass scattered everywhere. "This is your plan, to take my career, my money, and my time, isn't it Y/N." He picked the test up, "nobody can take this away from me!" He screamed before taking a closer look at the positive sign. Anger washed over him as he looked up at you. "You had to cheat on me. AJ always said you weren't all you seemed." He slammed it on the floor, stepping on it. You stayed silent, but the tears were loud. You watched him storm straight out the door he walked in from. You felt so stupid thinking he'd like this baby.

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