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Photo : From @aboutaldub16's Instagram account

Richard caught sight of her lined up for baggage check-in on the flight back to Manila. She looked so different from last night's concert, dressed in a white shirt, a green jumper and flats. She looked so stylish now as opposed to the simple girl he met at the concert.

Her face wad made-up, with neon pink lipstick that made her full lips look more lush and dramatic. She also looked sophisticated and aloof, as opposed to her friendly demeanor last night. It was like seeing two different people with the same face. Her bag was finally checked in and she moved on, ready to shop around before proceeding to the waiting lounge.

He followed her, admiring her shapely legs and graceful walk, her curtain of straight reddish brown hair swaying gently as she sashayed through the duty-free stores of Changi Airport. She looked back as though she felt someone was following her, and he pretended to browse through a stack of magazines.

Someone tapped his shoulder lightly, and he nonchalantly turned, surprised to see it was her. She was trying to suppress a smile as she looked at him questioningly.


"Are you following me?"

"Uhhh, no?"

"'s normal for you to read magazines upside down?"

He closed his eyes for a moment before stealing a glance at the magazine he held. Quickly he returned the magazine to the stack and blushed a deep red.

"You're blushing. So cute." She smiled at him, dazzling him with her perfect set of teeth and tawny eyes.

"Don't you remember me?"

"Hmmm? Is that the best you can do, cutie? Come on, you can do better."

"I'm not trying to pick you up. We were together two nights ago, remember?"

"Uhhh, no. Was I drunk? I suck at alcohol intake, I can get drunk with just two bottles of beer."

"We did share a beer and you did say you don't drink."

"Look, I'm sorry. I would remember you if I met you as recent as two nights ago. But I just can't."

"We kissed."


"I kissed you, and you kissed me back."

"Dang......I would remember something like that."

"Maybe this will refresh your memory...."

His arm goes around her waist while the other cradles her nape. His mouth descends on hers, fusing his lips to hers, coaxing her to open her mouth persuasively with his delicious lips caressing hers. It doesn't take long until she wraps her arms around his middle and kisses him back, tongue meeting his. He looked puzzled, and pulled away from her gently, looking at her. Was he kissing the same girl? She felt different in his arms, she tasted different.

But she was clearly smitten, her eyes were on him unblinking and for a moment, uncertain. Her hand reaches out to touch his face, liking the innocence in his eyes, the stubble that grazed her cheek as they kissed. Whoever he was, she wanted him in her life. Before she could even stop herself, she plays along with him, lying through her teeth.

"Yes, I remember you now. I'm sorry, the beer must have gotten me mixed up."

"You're sure you remember me? You seem, I don't know........different."

"Well then, you must have mistaken me for someone else," She moved to turn away but he held her arm and stopped her.

"No....wait. I'm sorry. Look, let me introduce myself again. I'm Richard.......Richard Faulkerson Jr. You can call me RJ." He extended a hand and waited for her to take it.

"Nicole Mendoza." She said with a smile and clasped his hand in a firm handshake.

"Hi Nicole....look, we've got two more hours to spare before boarding. May I take you somewhere for coffee?"

She smiled widely, linking her arm through his.

She deduced he met her sister first, she knew he was referring to Maine. But Nicole always got what she wanted, and right now, she wanted to have Richard. Besides, if they'd just met, it's not like Richard was already Maine's boyfriend, right?

She pushed away the guilty fingers of doubt and concentrated on the guy with her. She didn't have much time, and what was left of it she wanted to make the most out of it. She's been waiting for the right man to sweep her off her feet, her one true love. He might be the one this time.

He just might be the one.

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