Chapter 25 - Midnight

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To the readers who have reached this part and opt to continue the story, thank you for sticking it out with me. I've received negative feedback about my last chapter, and it is mostly because of words taken out of context, wrong interpretations, and also because some could not look at the story beyond the context of MaiChard. It is ironic that the very same couple that inspired this story is also the same couple who hinder people from understanding the story for what it is : a struggle of ordinary people through the harsh realities of life, wrong decisions and things beyond their control.

There is more to this story than just the SPG and kilig moments. It's sad that some have chosen to believe their views as the only right ones, their emotions as the only valid ones. If my story has encouraged that kind of reaction, then I'm really sorry I shared this story.

But, there are some readers who truly inspire me to continue, not because they agree with me (because they sometimes don't) but because they rise to the challenge of understanding this complex story, and they succeed in doing so. Thank you for staying and sharing your thoughts. 

I will not defend the premise of this story, because for those who really matter, they get it. And to those who get it, please continue to challenge me with your comments, so that I will continue to give you my best :)  

In the darkness before the dawn
In the swirling of the storm
When I'm rolling with the punches, and hope is gone
Leave a light, a light on

Millions of miles from home
In the swirling, swimming on
When I'm rolling with the thunder but bleed from thorns
Leave a light, a light on
Leave a light, a light on  

He saw her for the last time, already cleaned up and covered with a white blanket. He requested to be alone with her, because he didn't want Maine to see him crying over her sister, even if he knew she would understand. He wanted to be strong for her too, because he knew how painful this was for her.

Nicole's face looked serene, he hoped she wasn't in much pain before she finally let go. He hugged her lifeless body, hoping he gave her the happiness she dreamed of, even if it was just for a short while. He wished he could have loved her the way she wanted to be loved, but his heart was owned by someone else, and in the best way he could, he loved her, the way a friend would love another. He kissed her forehead and prayed for her, holding her hand for one last time.


She was afraid to see Nicole alone, feeling like her heart could not handle it. For so long, they have been an extension of each other, always attuned to each other's feelings. She still regrets the lost time she should have been with her sister. She braved this moment, feeling that her sister deserved a decent goodbye from her.

"Nic..." She whispered, running a hand lovingly over her sister's head. She looked at peace, and even in repose, she was still Nicolette, her pretty ate who always played mommy to her bunso. She felt no bitterness for her sister, only love, because what Nicole took from her, she has given way, way before, since they were young.

"I love you, ate. Thank you for being more than a sister to me. Rest well and be happy," She said through her tears, kissing her sister's hand. She said a prayer for her sister, to finally be at peace with the Lord.

She stepped out of the room and saw Richard waiting for her. His red-rimmed eyes looked tired but his face was filled with concern for her.

"Maine.....I'm sorry, I know this is so hard for you."

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