Chapter 9 - Ink

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Photo: @mainedcm IG account

As promised, I'm publishing an update tonight and I thank you all because my fic is now ranked #57 after only 11 days from the launch. Marami pong salamat!

I'm sure you're curious how Maine feels the morning after. This chapter will show you how emotionally invested Richard and Maine already are in each other, and it will also reveal what Kyle looks like. Kyle will play a significant role in the lives of Maine and Richard later on, so watch out for that.

For now, read on and remember the details in this chapter. The details will be significant for Richard later on, when the truth will unravel for him. Enjoy the weekend beshies, and thanks for always making my day with your appreciation and comments! Daming comments in the last chapter, ang saya! Wish we can always discuss like that, I love interacting with you all :)

Got a tattoo and the pain's alright
Just want a way of keeping you inside

All I know
All I know
Is that I'm lost
In your fire below
All I know
Is that I love you so
So much that it hurts  

She woke up while it was still dark, with Richard's arm around her waist, his head buried against her neck. She moved slowly, not wanting to wake him, taking his arm off her body. She slowly got up and took a shower, wore the sundress Richard bought for her and went out of the villa to take a walk along the beachfront.

The beach was beautiful and serene, the gentle lapping of waves against the shore soothed her turbulent emotions. Over and over again, she regretted not taking Richard up on his invitation in Singapore to see her here in the Philippines. If she had said yes, then last night would have been a perfect start to many nights of meaningful intimacies to be shared between the two of them.

Last night was an experience she would treasure, and she wasn't sorry it happened. If it were her last chance to ever be happy, she was glad she had that memory to go back to. Richard was everything she wanted in a lover. He was gentle and passionate, giving and considerate of her inexperience. He didn't laugh at her awkwardness or force her to do more than what she was capable of doing. He didn't belittle her emotions when she cried but made things more bearable by holding her.

The sun was beginning to rise when he found he wandering in the beach, deep in thought. For a moment he watched her, taking in her silhouette with the sunrise as backdrop. She was facing the waters, her hands outstretched, her face towards the sky. 

"Hey.........I was looking for you." He took her hand, fingers intertwining through hers. "Are you ok?"

"RJ.......don't you think we're going too fast?" She looked at him with uncertainty, hoping he wouldn't take offense at what she was driving at.

"In what way?"

"Is it normal to get intimate knowing each other for only three months?"

"Am I your first relationship Nicole?"

She winced at his mention of her sister's name. " But a serious relationship must not be taken lightly, right?"

"Honey, I know this has something to do with last night. Do you regret it?"

" was wonderful, and I won't forget it for a long time."

"You say it as though we won't see each other again. Why do you sound like you're prepping me for a break-up?"

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