Chapter 5 - In My Place

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Hi friends, I think it's time to see things from Nicole's perspective. This chapter leads to the real reason why Nicole is hell-bent on having Richard for herself, but you won't know the full story until several chapters from now.

As with my other fics, the antagonist is also human, with a back story that can explain the why's and what-not. I hope my dears that you will understand that this story has difficult twists and turns, especially for Maine, and in the interest of keeping to the story's logical sequence, difficult and painful chapters are necessary. Sorry na po. 

It won't all be sad, I promise. There will be sunny days and I hope you stay with me to see those days. I hope you'll like this chapter and as always, please comment below. Enjoy reading :) 

  I was scared, I was scared
Tired and under-prepared
But I'll wait for it

If you go, if you go
Leave me down here on my own
Then I'll wait for you, yeah.  

Her shoot was finally done, with barely an hour left for her to have dinner with Richard. She rushed outside the studio, looking for Richard's car and found him sleeping inside. She felt so guilty making him wait, especially since she knew he also just finished a shoot that went on for more than 20 hours. Tapping on the glass window, she waved at him and blew a kiss. He rubbed his eyes to dispel the drowsiness and unlocked the doors.

Nicole rushed inside the passenger seat and kissed him full on the lips, hungrily pushing her tongue against his mouth. Still sleepy, he looked at her, disoriented but smiling.

"Uhhh, good evening to you too."

"Honnn.....I'm so sorry, the shoot went on longer than scheduled. They changed layouts several times and I had to stay."

"It's ok, I took a nap while waiting so it's all good. Hungry?"

"Yes, very. Let's eat somewhere near, yeah?"

"Ok, I'll just drive you back for your car."

He drove just a few blocks away and parked outside Food Lab, a newly-opened restaurant that served Asian Fusion cuisine. Hand in hand, they stepped in and sat across each other. He admired Nicole from where he sat, marveling at how she still looked fresh despite the late hour.

"You're staring at me again," She said, smiling.

"How can you still look so pretty after a grueling day?"

"I'm in the business of making people look good, RJ. I have to be a walking advertisement for what I do."

"You're an amazing woman. I sometimes find it hard to believe that you have the energy to write on top of this day job you have."

She looked offended. "It's not just a day job, love. It's my career. Writing is just.....erm.....a hobby. Something to fill the time when I'm not too busy."

"Oh. I was under the impression that writing was something you liked doing. You make it sound like a chore."

"Did I sound that way? Just tired, I guess. I don't like talking about writing to much."

He looked at her, surprised. The last time they talked, she was afire with ideas for her writing jobs and now, she dismissed it as though it were something she was burdened to do. He held her hand and lazily drew circles on top, watching her as she checked the menu.

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